Hello,Good Morning.I just want to ask, How can I execute an Link Server SP via SQL JOB.My SP works like thisCreate Procedure [TEST_Proc] @RowCount INT OUTPUTAs BeginSet NCOUNT ON;SET XACT_ABORT ON;Begin TransactionInsert Into Openquery(LINKSVR, 'Select Col1, Col2, Col3 from Link_Table')select ColA, ColB, ColC from Local_TableENDCOMMIT TRANSACTIONEND
When I manually execute the SP it is OK but when it is executed via SQL JOB it says that"Execute as User: Networklocalsystem. LOgIN Failed for user Networklocalsystem [SQLSTATE 28000] (Error 18456). The step failed"I have tried to change the SQL Server Log on into the Domain Admin but I still get the same error.