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 "A new connection was rejected because the maximum

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2008-09-18 : 09:11:05
We are getting this error when .net 2.0 windows application is
accessing the database using a datareader.
"A new connection was rejected because the maximum number of connections on session ID"

Could not find much info about how to fix this issues.

Can anyone help please.

Starting Member

10 Posts

Posted - 2008-09-22 : 11:35:03
Are you using connection pooling on the connection to the db?
How many connections are you attempting?
Have you changed any of the connection or connection pooling defaults?

Are you just trying to make this call to the db or are other calls going on at the same time from different pages or processes?

How about your db settings, are you allowing multiple connections at the db/sql server end?

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