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 Clarification regarding my Query

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2008-11-22 : 06:19:51

im using sql server2005 for my .net application.

my requirement is:

im using a view to get the records in a grid.

here i have the fields in vwcalendar- activitydesc,time,date,unitsleft using these fields i have to display activitydesc,time and totalunits for one week i.e.

activitydesc,time,mondayunits,tuesdayunits,wednesdayunits,thursayunits,fridayunits,saturdayunits,sundayunits from vwcalendar

for this i have written a query as

select activitydesc,time,
(select max(UnitsLeft) as monunits from vwcalendar where date='2008-11-03') as monunits,
(select max(UnitsLeft) as tueunits from vwcalendar where date='2008-11-03') as tueunits,
(select max(UnitsLeft) as wedunits from vwcalendar where date='2008-11-03') as wedunits,
(select max(UnitsLeft) as thuunits from vwcalendar where date='2008-11-03') as thuunits,
(select max(UnitsLeft) as friunits from vwcalendar where date='2008-11-03') as friunits,
(select max(UnitsLeft) as satunits from vwcalendar where date='2008-11-03') as satunits,
(select max(UnitsLeft) as sununits from vwcalendar where date='2008-11-03') as sununits from vwcalendar

when i execute my application, it displays same unit for all reocrds to monunits column same as for other units like tuesday to sunday columns if there is a value to that dates.

i think the unitsleft values will be different for different records.

so i need a help from u regarding this whether im writing the query correct or not.

if not, can u please help me out to write the query.

please resolve my problem as early as possible.


Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2008-11-22 : 11:33:25
should be something like

SELECT activitydesc,
SUM(time) AS time,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw,date)=2 THEN unitsleft ELSE 0 END) AS mondayunits,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw,date)=3 THEN unitsleft ELSE 0 END) AS tuesdayunits,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw,date)=4 THEN unitsleft ELSE 0 END) AS wednesdayunits,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw,date)=5 THEN unitsleft ELSE 0 END) AS thursdayunits,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw,date)=6 THEN unitsleft ELSE 0 END) AS fridayunits,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw,date)=7 THEN unitsleft ELSE 0 END) AS saturdayunits,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw,date)=1 THEN unitsleft ELSE 0 END) AS sundayunits
FROM vwcalendar
GROUP BY activitydesc,

i'm assuming your datefirst setting is 7, if not set it to 7 before running above query

you can check current setting using
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