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Posted - 2009-02-09 : 08:12:49
Hi, Please help me out......below error is coming frequently by SQL server 2005.02/08/2009 08:06:18,Backup,Unknown,Log was backed up. Database: IMAIL_DOTNET<c/> creation date(time): 2008/08/25(11:19:42)<c/> first LSN: 15354:77582:1<c/> last LSN: 15355:24792:1<c/> number of dump devices: 1<c/> device information: (FILE=1<c/> TYPE=DISK: {'IMAIL_DOTNETTxnLog'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.02/08/2009 08:00:07,Backup,Unknown,Log was backed up. Database: Imailautomation<c/> creation date(time): 2006/07/26(16:37:49)<c/> first LSN: 11336:1245:1<c/> last LSN: 11336:1245:1<c/> number of dump devices: 1<c/> device information: (FILE=1<c/> TYPE=DISK: {'D:\BACKUP\Imailautomation_20090208023001.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.02/08/2009 07:55:29,Server,Unknown,Process 117:0:0 (0xe10) Worker 0x03D720E8 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 0. Thread creation time: 12878484228695. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms<c/> user 0 ms. Process Utilization 0%. System Idle 97%. Interval: 75000 ms.02/08/2009 07:55:29,Server,Unknown,DoMiniDump () encountered error (0x80004005) - Unspecified error02/08/2009 07:55:29,Server,Unknown,External dump process return code 0x20000001.<nl/>External dump process returned no errors.02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,Stack Signature for the dump is 0x0000015F02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,*02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,* Non-yielding Scheduler02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,*02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,* 02/08/09 07:55:18 spid 002/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,* BEGIN STACK DUMP:02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,*02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************02/08/2009 07:55:18,Server,Unknown,***Unable to get thread context - no pss02/08/2009 07:55:17,Server,Unknown,Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'02/08/2009 07:51:53,Backup,Unknown,Log was backed up. Database: algo<c/> creation date(time): 2008/11/22(11:36:27)<c/> first LSN: 2765:2219:1<c/> last LSN: 2872:107:1<c/> number of dump devices: 1<c/> device information: (FILE=1<c/> TYPE=DISK: {'algoTxnLog'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.02/08/2009 07:51:11,Backup,Unknown,Log was backed up. Database: IMAIL_DOTNET<c/> creation date(time): 2008/08/25(11:19:42)<c/> first LSN: 15354:77502:1<c/> last LSN: 15354:77582:1<c/> number of dump devices: 1<c/> device information: (FILE=1<c/> TYPE=DISK: {'IMAIL_DOTNETTxnLog'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.02/08/2009 07:45:04,Backup,Unknown,Log was backed up. Database: Imailautomation<c/> creation date(time): 2006/07/26(16:37:49)<c/> first LSN: 11336:1245:1<c/> last LSN: 11336:1245:1<c/> number of dump devices: 1<c/> device information: (FILE=1<c/> TYPE=DISK: {'D:\BACKUP\Imailautomation_20090208021501.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.02/08/2009 07:36:29,Backup,Unknown,Log was backed up. Database: algo<c/> creation date(time): 2008/11/22(11:36:27)<c/> first LSN: 2765:2219:1<c/> last LSN: 2872:107:1<c/> number of dump devices: 1<c/> device information: (FILE=1<c/> TYPE=DISK: {'algoTxnLog'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.thanks in advance.Venus |