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 File System commands from SSIS Script Task

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2009-04-21 : 07:29:30

can anyone address me to some good script example or basic guide to manipulate folders, files (like create, copy, delete) from a .NET script?

My ultimate goal is to get some data from a SQL table and create a set of xls file (where name and data in it come from such SQL tables).

Any help will be much appreciated.

Yak Posting Veteran

60 Posts

Posted - 2009-04-22 : 21:47:30
You'll want to take a look at the System.IO namespace. It has all of the functionality you mentioned and then some. The File object will allow you copy, move, or delete a file. The Directory object has similar functionality.

Take a look at the pages on MDSN that discuss System.IO. If you run into a specific problem, post back here and I'll be glad to assist.



Tim Mitchell
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