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 Bulk or anything???confuse

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Aged Yak Warrior

982 Posts

Posted - 2009-05-23 : 00:56:34
----User session halt---|
<-----Process 1--------|---->commit
<-Process 2--->commit |

if commit no found, undo the process
process 1 undo
process 2 do nothing

do sql server support this function...and sorry if i posted at wrong section, i dunno where to post about this

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

1837 Posts

Posted - 2009-05-23 : 01:18:04
I suggest you slow down and take the time to ask your question more clearly. The abbreviated cryptic code you posted means nothing, what are you trying to do? Yes SQL Server supports transactions and IF statements, so it can probably do what you need if you take the time to explain fully what you need.
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Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2009-05-23 : 14:53:40
please follow the guidelines for posting a question from below link
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Aged Yak Warrior

982 Posts

Posted - 2009-05-24 : 22:04:38
>"< had already solve the problem by ignoring the problem
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