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 where to "exec" stored procedures?

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Yak Posting Veteran

71 Posts

Posted - 2009-06-15 : 06:34:42
Hello all,

New to this world of Stored Procedures so will probably need a lot of help. I'm learning Stroed procedures daily, but have a project that is running in tandem with me learning of this new concept.

the project is a new intranet, in which the structure was set up by my manager, however he is no longer here, and I have the task to keep it moving forward, and try my best to complete it.

staff in the company need to have access to areas that relate to them and their department, and this has been set up with the aid of Stored Procedures. however I'm not entirely sure where they, or any additonal information (if any) needs to be / should be placed.

Any help, or information would be great.

Kind regards

Aged Yak Warrior

530 Posts

Posted - 2009-06-15 : 07:27:42
I would personally of looked down the route of creating roles for each department, create views to show the data they need to be able to view, give the security rights to the view to the relevent related department role and then add users to the department role they are in
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