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Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2002-02-08 : 22:33:18
First off, thank you to anyone who helps me with this!!Can I and Should I use OLAP to calculate the results of the first select query below (not the select into query)?vwPositions is a view that will have aprox 4.8 million rows of data. less than 1/16 of my data changes as new data comes in. The other rows are entirely static and do not change, and will always calculate to the same result.I feel like the approach below will require my server to constantly recalculate my summary values. I don't want to put anything in the temp database because I don't want to cause unneeded disk I/O and locking in the temporary database. I've been reading a lot about derived queries instead of using the tempdb, but I am summarizing a lot of data here.. and why should I calculate something twice, or three hundred times if I can just calculate it once and store it in an OLAP cube, or maybe an auxillary table??CREATE PROCEDURE spPivot13F_ByCIK_Summary (@CIK varchar(50), @currentQuarter int, @currentYear int, @lastQuarter int, @lastYear int) ASbegindeclare @currentQ varchar (50)declare @lastQ varchar (50)if 1 <= @currentQuarter and @currentQuarter <= 4 and 1 <= @lastQuarter and @lastQuarter <= 4 and 1980 <= @lastYear and @lastYear <= @currentYear begin set @currentQ = 'Q' + cast (@currentQuarter as char (1)) + '/' + cast (@currentYear as char (4)) set @lastQ = 'Q' + cast (@lastQuarter as char (1)) + '/' + cast (@lastYear as char (4)) select b.* , b.currentShares - b.lastShares as deltaShares, b.currentValue- b.lastValue as deltaValue, case b.lastShares when 0 then null else (((b.currentShares - b.lastShares) / cast (b.lastShares as float)) * 100) end as pctChgShares, case b.lastValue when 0 then null else (((b.currentValue - b.lastValue) / cast (b.lastValue as float)) * 100) end as pctChgValue into #tmpSummary from ( select positions_issuer, positions_class,positions_CUSIP, isNull (sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_shares END), sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_shares END)) as fixedShares, sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_shares END) as currentShares, sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_shares END) as lastShares, isNull (sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END), sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END)) as fixedValue, sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END) as currentValue, sum( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END) as lastValue,5 as P1,6 as p2 from edgar..vwPositions where dissem_CIK = @CIK and positions_issuer is not null group by positions_issuer, positions_class,positions_CUSIP) as b select (select count (*) from #tmpSummary) as total_shares_held_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary) as total_shares_held_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > 0 ) as new_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > 0 ) as new_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > lastshares ) as increased_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > lastshares) as increased_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares < lastshares ) as decreased_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > lastshares) as decreased_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares = 0 and lastshares > 0 ) as soldout_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares = 0 and lastshares > 0 ) as soldout_positions_shares select * from #tmpSummary endendGO |
Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2002-02-08 : 23:12:00
Please note I accidentally pasted and older version of my code here. In some cases, I may need to use the sum() .. but I don't think I have to do that in this particular case. CREATE PROCEDURE spPivot13F_ByCIK (@CIK int, @currentQuarter int, @currentYear int, @lastQuarter int, @lastYear int, @minvalue bigint = 0, @maxvalue bigint = 0, @state varchar(2) = '') ASbegindeclare @currentQ varchar (50)declare @lastQ varchar (50)if 1 <= @currentQuarter and @currentQuarter <= 4 and 1 <= @lastQuarter and @lastQuarter <= 4 and 1980 <= @lastYear and @lastYear <= @currentYear begin set @currentQ = 'Q' + cast (@currentQuarter as char (1)) + '/' + cast (@currentYear as char (4)) set @lastQ = 'Q' + cast (@lastQuarter as char (1)) + '/' + cast (@lastYear as char (4)) select b.* , b.currentShares - b.lastShares as deltaShares, b.currentValue- b.lastValue as deltaValue, case b.lastShares when 0 then null else (((b.currentShares - b.lastShares) / cast (b.lastShares as float)) * 100) end as pctChgShares, case b.lastValue when 0 then null else (((b.currentValue - b.lastValue) / cast (b.lastValue as float)) * 100) end as pctChgValue into #tmpSummary from ( select positions_issuer, positions_class,positions_CUSIP, isNull (CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_shares END, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_shares END) as fixedShares, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_shares END as currentShares, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_shares END as lastShares, isNull ( CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END) as fixedValue, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @currentQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END as currentValue, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN @lastQ THEN positions_valuex1000 END as lastValue,5 as P1,6 as p2 from edgar..vwPositions where dissem_CIK = @CIK and positions_issuer is not null ) as b-- THIS SELECT IS THE ONE I AM THINKING ABOUT USING OLAP FOR select (select count (*) from #tmpSummary) as total_shares_held_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary) as total_shares_held_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > 0 ) as new_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > 0 ) as new_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > lastshares ) as increased_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > lastshares) as increased_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares < lastshares ) as decreased_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares > lastshares) as decreased_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmpSummary where currentshares = 0 and lastshares > 0 ) as soldout_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmpSummary where currentshares = 0 and lastshares > 0 ) as soldout_positions_shares endendGO |
Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2002-02-09 : 18:11:04
Alright.. Here's a new attempt at this thing..this is created in a web page, dynamically... Lets say if you use the "Execution Plan" option in SQL query analyzer.. that query three seems to take ALOT of extra work!! (a bunch o table scans on my temp table..) I did it in a web page instead of the stored procedure to avoid having to create permutations of stored procedures.. Does anyone know of a good SQL code formatter? I can't paste this into VC++ because its tooo long.. go figure.IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name = '#tmp' AND type = 'u') DROP TABLE #tmp; select b.*, b .currentShares - b.lastShares as deltaShares, b.currentValue- b.lastValue as deltaValue, case b.lastShares when null then 0 else (((b.currentShares - b.lastShares) / cast (b.lastShares as float)) * 100) end as pctChgShares, case b.lastValue when 0 then null else (((b.currentValue - b.lastValue) / cast (b.lastValue as float)) * 100) end as pctChgValue into #tmp from ( select Dissem_Conformed_Name,dissem_CIK,address_state,address_city, isNull (CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q3" THEN positions_shares END, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q2/2001" THEN positions_shares END) as fixedShares, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q3" THEN positions_shares END as currentShares, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q2/2001" THEN positions_shares END as lastShares, isNull (CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q3" THEN positions_valuex1000 END, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q2/2001" THEN positions_valuex1000 END) as fixedValue, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q3" THEN positions_valuex1000 END as currentValue, CASE dissem_period_fixed WHEN "Q2/2001" THEN positions_valuex1000 END as lastValue, 5 as P1, 6 as P2 from edgar..vwPositions where dissem_CIK = "766524" and positions_manager is not null and dissem_Year = 2001 or dissem_Year = 2001 and dissem_Quarter = 3 or dissem_Quarter = 2) as b;select (select count (*) from #tmp) as total_shares_held_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmp) as total_shares_held_shares, (select count (*) from #tmp where currentshares > 0 ) as new_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmp where currentshares > 0 ) as new_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmp where currentshares > lastshares ) as increased_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmp where currentshares > lastshares) as increased_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmp where currentshares < lastshares ) as decreased_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmp where currentshares > lastshares) as decreased_positions_shares, (select count (*) from #tmp where currentshares = 0 and lastshares > 0 ) as soldout_positions_holders, (select sum (currentshares) from #tmp where currentshares = 0 and lastshares > 0 ) as soldout_positions_shares |