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 Help with ActiveX script

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Yak Posting Veteran

54 Posts

Posted - 2009-08-19 : 11:29:08
I need to convert this ActiveX script to Visual Basic 2008 for SSIS. Can someone PLEASE tell me if there is an easy way to do this?


' Visual Basic ActiveX Script

Function Main()

Dim filesys, file, folder, filelist, filetxt, filename, sfile, lastdate, moddate
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'get last date processed
Set filetxt = filesys.OpenTextFile("\\it101v\dmufiles\dealer master files\gm\last_process_date.txt", ForReading, False)
lastdate = CDate(filetxt.ReadAll)

REM MsgBox (lastdate)

Set folder = filesys.GetFolder("\\it101v\dmufiles\dealer master files\gm")
Set filelist = folder.Files

For Each file in filelist
if left(file.Name,20) = CStr("RIM_DLR_ELIG_FULL_US") and file.DateLastModified > lastdate and file.Type = "DAT File" then
filename = "\\it101v\dmufiles\dealer master files\gm\" & file.Name
moddate = file.DateLastModified
end if

if filesys.FileExists(filename) then
' filesys.CopyFile filename,"\\corp-file-003\itcommon\dba\scripts\RIM_DLR_ELIG_FULL_US.DAT","true"
filesys.CopyFile filename,"\\corp-it-001\esqldata\RIM_DLR_ELIG_FULL_US.DAT","true"
'update last date processed
Set filetxt = filesys.OpenTextFile("\\it101v\dmufiles\dealer master files\gm\last_process_date.txt", ForWriting, False)
filetxt.Write moddate
'msgbox ("us copied")
Err.Raise 1, "No US file"
end if

filename = ""

For Each file in filelist
if left(file.Name,20) = CStr("RIM_DLR_ELIG_FULL_CA") and file.DateLastModified > lastdate and file.Type = "DAT File" then
filename = "\\it101v\dmufiles\dealer master files\gm\" & file.Name
rem msgbox (
end if

if filesys.FileExists(filename) then
filesys.CopyFile filename,"\\it100vsql\esqldata\RIM_DLR_ELIG_FULL_CA.DAT","true"
rem msgbox ("can copied")
Err.Raise 1,"No Canada file"
end if

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

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