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 Creating Stored Procedure From C# environment

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-10-19 : 04:33:35
I have to create a Stored Procedure from SQL statements embedded in C# code. Anyone who can help. Code Below..
private String BaseQuery(string Level, string Selection, string DateType, string SpesificDate, string StartProdMonth , string EndProdMonth , string ProdCutOffDate , string StartDateRange , string EndDateRange)
string TheBaseQry = "" +
"Select * from (Select " +
"MPlan.Unit_1, " +
"0 Prodmonth, " +
" isnull(Sum(BusPlan.Squaremetres),0) as STP_BUSPLAN_SQM, " +
" isnull(Sum(STP_PLAN_SQM),0) as STP_PLAN_SQM, " +
" isnull(Sum(STP_PPLAN_SQM),0) as STP_PPLAN_SQM, " +
" isnull(Sum(STP_DPLAN_SQM),0) as STP_DPLAN_SQM, " +
" isnull(Sum(STP_PBOOK_SQM),0) as STP_PBOOK_SQM, " +
" isnull(Sum(STP_DBOOK_SQM),0) as STP_DBOOK_SQM, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(10),round(Sum(STP_PBOOK_SQM)/min(Shift.Shift)*Min(Shift.TotalShifts),0)),0) as STP_FCast_SQM , " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(BusPlan.Grams)/1000),0) as STP_BUSPLAN_Kg, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_PLAN_Grams)/1000),0) as STP_PLAN_Kg, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_PPLAN_Grams)/1000),0) as STP_PPLAN_Kg, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_DPLAN_Grams)/1000),0) as STP_DPLAN_Kg, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_PBOOK_Grams)/1000),0) as STP_PBOOK_Kg, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_DBOOK_Grams)/1000),0) as STP_DBOOK_Kg, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),round((Sum(STP_PBOOK_Grams)/min(Shift.Shift)*Min(Shift.TotalShifts))/1000,0)),0) as STP_FCast_Kg , " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(BusPlan.Grams)),0) as STP_BUSPLAN_grams, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_PLAN_Grams)),0) as STP_PLAN_grams, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_PPLAN_Grams)),0) as STP_PPLAN_grams, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_DPLAN_Grams)),0) as STP_DPLAN_grams, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_PBOOK_Grams)),0) as STP_PBOOK_grams, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),Sum(STP_DBOOK_Grams)),0) as STP_DBOOK_grams, " +
" isnull(convert(Numeric(12,2),round((Sum(STP_PBOOK_Grams)/min(Shift.Shift)*Min(Shift.TotalShifts)),0)),0) as STP_FCast_grams , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(BusPlan.Squaremetres) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10),round((Sum(BusPlan.Grams)*100)/Sum(BusPlan.Squaremetres*2.70),0)) end,0) as STP_BUSPLAN_CMGT , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_PLAN_SQMDens) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10),round((Sum(STP_PLAN_Grams)*100)/Sum(STP_PLAN_SQMDens),0)) end,0) as STP_PLAN_CMGT , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_PPLAN_SQMDens) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10),round((Sum(STP_PPLAN_Grams)*100)/Sum(STP_PPLAN_SQMDens),0)) end,0) as STP_PPLAN_CMGT , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_DPLAN_SQMDens) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10),round((Sum(STP_DPLAN_Grams)*100)/Sum(STP_DPLAN_SQMDens),0)) end,0) as STP_DPLAN_CMGT , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_PBOOK_SQMDens) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10),round((Sum(STP_PBOOK_Grams)*100)/Sum(STP_PBOOK_SQMDens),0)) end,0) as STP_PBOOK_CMGT , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_DBOOK_SQMDens) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10),round((Sum(STP_DBOOK_Grams)*100)/Sum(STP_DBOOK_SQMDens),0)) end,0) as STP_DBOOK_CMGT , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_PPLAN_Tons) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10,1),round(Sum(STP_PPLAN_Grams)/Sum(STP_PPLAN_Tons),1)) end,0) as Prog_Gt , " +

" isnull(case when Sum(STP_PLAN_Tons) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10,1),round(Sum(STP_PLAN_Grams)/Sum(STP_PLAN_Tons),1)) end,0) as PLAN_Gt , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_PPLAN_Tons) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10,1),round(Sum(STP_PPLAN_Grams)/Sum(STP_PPLAN_Tons),1)) end,0) as PPLAN_Gt , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_DPLAN_Tons) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10,1),round(Sum(STP_DPLAN_Grams)/Sum(STP_DPLAN_Tons),1)) end,0) as DPLAN_Gt , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_PBook_Tons) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10,1),round(Sum(STP_PBook_Grams)/Sum(STP_PBook_Tons),1)) end,0) as PBook_Gt , " +
" isnull(case when Sum(STP_DBook_Tons) = 0 then 0 else convert(Numeric(10,1),round(Sum(STP_DBook_Grams)/Sum(STP_DBook_Tons),1)) end,0) as DBook_Gt , " +

" isnull(min(Shift.Shift),0) as Shift, " +
" isnull(Min(Shift.TotalShifts),0) as TotalShifts " +
"from " +
"(Select PeerName_" + Level + " Unit_1, PeerName_2 Unit, " +
"a.Prodmonth, " +
"0 Activitycode, " +
"sum(a.squaremetres), " +
"STP_PLAN_Grams = " +
"sum(a.Grams), " +
"STP_PLAN_SQMDens = " +
"sum(a.squaremetres*d.Density), " +
"from Planmonth a inner join sections_complete b on " +
"a.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"a.sectionid = b.sectionid " +
"inner join seccal z on " +
"z.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"z.sectionid = b.sectionid_1 " +
"inner join caltype x on " +
"z.CalendarTypeID = x.CalendarTypeID and " +
"z.Begindate <= x.calendardate and " +
"z.enddate >= x.calendardate " +
"inner join wp_density d on " +
"a.workplaceid = d.workplaceid ";

switch (_DateType)
case "Spesific":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where x.calendardate = '" + SpesificDate + "' ";
case "ProdMonth":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where a.prodmonth >= " + StartProdMonth + " and a.prodmonth <= " + EndProdMonth + "";
case "DateRange":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where x.calendardate >= '" + StartDateRange + "' and x.calendardate <= '" + EndDateRange + "' ";

TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "and a.activitycode in (0,3) " +
"group by Peername_" + @Level + ", PeerName_2, a.Prodmonth) MPlan left join " +
"(Select PeerName_2 Unit, " +
"a.Prodmonth, " +
"0 Activitycode, " +
"sum(a.squaremetres), " +
"STP_PPLAN_Grams = " +
"sum(a.Grams), " +
"STP_PPLAN_SQMDens = " +
"sum(a.squaremetres*d.Density), " +
"STP_PPLAN_Tons = " +
"sum(a.OnReefTons) " +
"from Planday a inner join sections_complete b on " +
"a.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"a.sectionid = b.sectionid " +
"inner join seccal z on " +
"z.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"z.sectionid = b.sectionid_1 " +
"inner join caltype x on " +
"z.CalendarTypeID = x.CalendarTypeID and " +
"z.Begindate <= x.calendardate and " +
"z.enddate >= x.calendardate " +
"inner join wp_density d on " +
"a.workplaceid = d.workplaceid ";

switch (_DateType)
case "Spesific":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where x.calendardate = '" + SpesificDate + "' and Tempdate <= '" + SpesificDate + "'";
case "ProdMonth":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where a.prodmonth >= " + StartProdMonth + " and a.prodmonth <= " + EndProdMonth + " and Tempdate <= '" + ProdCutOffDate + "'";
case "DateRange":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where Tempdate >= '" + StartDateRange + "' and Tempdate <= '" + EndDateRange + "' ";


TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "and a.activitycode in (0,3) " +
"group by PeerName_2, a.Prodmonth) PPlan on " +
"MPlan.Prodmonth = PPlan.Prodmonth and " +
"MPlan.Unit = PPlan.Unit and " +
"MPlan.Activitycode = PPlan.Activitycode " +
"left join " +
"(Select PeerName_2 Unit, " +
"a.Prodmonth, " +
"0 Activitycode, " +
"STP_PBook_SQM = " +
"sum(a.squaremetres), " +
"STP_PBook_Grams = " +
"sum(a.Grams), " +
"STP_PBook_SQMDens = " +
"sum(a.squaremetres*d.Density), " +
"STP_PBook_Tons = " +
"sum(a.OnReefTons) " +
"from Book_stopingledging a inner join sections_complete b on " +
"a.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"a.sectionid = b.sectionid " +
"inner join seccal z on " +
"z.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"z.sectionid = b.sectionid_1 " +
"inner join caltype x on " +
"z.CalendarTypeID = x.CalendarTypeID and " +
"z.Begindate <= x.calendardate and " +
"z.enddate >= x.calendardate " +
"inner join wp_density d on " +
"a.workplaceid = d.workplaceid ";

switch (_DateType)
case "Spesific":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where x.calendardate = '" + SpesificDate + "' and Bookdate <= '" + SpesificDate + "' ";
case "ProdMonth":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where a.prodmonth >= " + StartProdMonth + " and a.prodmonth <= " + EndProdMonth + " and Bookdate <= '" + ProdCutOffDate + "' ";
case "DateRange":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where Bookdate >= '" + StartDateRange + "' and Bookdate <= '" + EndDateRange + "' ";


TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " and a.activitycode in (0,3) " +
"group by PeerName_2, a.Prodmonth) SPBook on " +
"MPlan.Prodmonth = SPBook.Prodmonth and " +
"MPlan.Unit = SPBook.Unit and " +
"MPlan.Activitycode = SPBook.Activitycode " +
"left join " +
"(Select PeerName_2 Unit, " +
"a.Prodmonth, " +
"0 Activitycode, " +
"sum(a.squaremetres), " +
"STP_DPLAN_Grams = " +
"sum(a.Grams), " +
"STP_DPLAN_SQMDens = " +
"sum(a.squaremetres*d.Density), " +
" STP_DPLAN_Tons = sum(OnreefTons) " +
"from Planday a inner join sections_complete b on " +
"a.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"a.sectionid = b.sectionid " +
"inner join seccal z on " +
"z.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"z.sectionid = b.sectionid_1 " +
"inner join caltype x on " +
"z.CalendarTypeID = x.CalendarTypeID and " +
"z.Begindate <= x.calendardate and " +
"z.enddate >= x.calendardate " +
"inner join wp_density d on " +
"a.workplaceid = d.workplaceid ";

switch (_DateType)
case "Spesific":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where x.calendardate = '" + SpesificDate + "' and Tempdate = '" + SpesificDate + "'";
case "ProdMonth":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where a.prodmonth >= " + StartProdMonth + " and a.prodmonth <= " + EndProdMonth + " and Tempdate = '" + ProdCutOffDate + "'";
case "DateRange":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where Tempdate >= '" + StartDateRange + "' and Tempdate <= '" + EndDateRange + "' ";


TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " and a.activitycode in (0,3) " +
"group by PeerName_2, a.Prodmonth) DPlan on " +
"MPlan.Prodmonth = DPlan.Prodmonth and " +
"MPlan.Unit = DPlan.Unit and " +
"MPlan.Activitycode = DPlan.Activitycode " +
"left join " +
"(Select PeerName_2 Unit, " +
"a.Prodmonth, " +
"0 Activitycode, " +
"STP_DBook_SQM = " +
"sum(a.squaremetres), " +
"STP_DBOOK_Grams = " +
"sum(a.Grams), " +
"STP_DBOOK_SQMDens = " +
"sum(a.squaremetres*d.Density), " +
"STP_DBook_Tons = sum(OnreefTons) " +
"from Book_stopingledging a inner join sections_complete b on " +
"a.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"a.sectionid = b.sectionid " +
"inner join seccal z on " +
"z.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"z.sectionid = b.sectionid_1 " +
"inner join caltype x on " +
"z.CalendarTypeID = x.CalendarTypeID and " +
"z.Begindate <= x.calendardate and " +
"z.enddate >= x.calendardate " +
"inner join wp_density d on " +
"a.workplaceid = d.workplaceid ";

switch (_DateType)
case "Spesific":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where x.calendardate = '" + SpesificDate + "' and Bookdate = '" + SpesificDate + "' ";
case "ProdMonth":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where a.prodmonth >= " + StartProdMonth + " and a.prodmonth <= " + EndProdMonth + " and Bookdate = '" + ProdCutOffDate + "'";
case "DateRange":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where Bookdate >= '" + StartDateRange + "' and Bookdate <= '" + EndDateRange + "' ";


TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " and a.activitycode in (0,3) " +
"group by PeerName_2, a.Prodmonth) SDBook on " +
"MPlan.Prodmonth = SDBook.Prodmonth and " +
"MPlan.Unit = SDBook.Unit and " +
"MPlan.Activitycode = SDBook.Activitycode " +
"inner join " +
"(select a.Prodmonth, PeerName_2 Unit, " +
"Avg(Shift) Shift, " +
"convert(int,Avg(TotalShifts)) TotalShifts " +
"from (select b.prodmonth, Peername, reporttoID, " +
"Count(b.prodmonth) Shift, " +
"Avg(TotalShifts) TotalShifts " +
"from " +
"sections b " +
"inner join seccal c on " +
"b.prodmonth = c.prodmonth and " +
"b.sectionid = c.sectionid " +
"inner join caltype d on " +
"c.calendartypeid = d.calendartypeid and " +
"c.begindate <= d.Calendardate and " +
"c.enddate >= d.calendardate ";

switch (_DateType)
case "Spesific":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where d.calendardate >= convert(datetime, '" + SpesificDate + "')-45 and d.calendardate <= '" + SpesificDate + "' ";
case "ProdMonth":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + " where d.calendardate >= convert(datetime, '" + ProdCutOffDate + "')-45 and d.calendardate <= '" + ProdCutOffDate + "' ";
case "DateRange":
TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "where d.calendardate >= '" + StartDateRange + "' and d.calendardate <= '" + EndDateRange + "' ";

TheBaseQry = TheBaseQry + "and d.workingday = 'Y' " +
"group by b.prodmonth, Peername, reporttoID) a inner join " +
"sections_from_sb b on " +
"a.prodmonth = b.prodmonth and " +
"a.reporttoID = b.sectionid_2 " +
"group by a.Prodmonth, PeerName_2) Shift on " +
"MPlan.Prodmonth = Shift.Prodmonth and " +
"MPlan.Unit = Shift.Unit " +
"left outer join Stoping_Business_Plan_MO BusPlan on " +
"MPlan.Prodmonth = BusPlan.Prodmonth and " +
"MPlan.Unit = BusPlan.PeerName_2 " +
"group by mplan.Unit_1) as DashboardBaseTable " +
" where unit_1 = '" + Selection + "'";

return TheBaseQry;


Kind Regards
David Morakong

Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-10-20 : 03:35:39
Is there anyone who has a suggestion or comment on the above function? Do i need to simplify it in any way?

Kind Regards
David Morakong
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Posting Yak Master

212 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-02 : 02:28:44
u want CLR stored procedure?

One can never consent to creep,when one feels an impulse to soar

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