Hi Any thoughts on how to achieve this in SSIS?i have Monthly Upload summary table as shown via script below.Each month Qtys loaded grouped by source (SHIP + ONSITE) are added to this table from a staging table. An Aggragte tranform helps me do that in a dataflow task.What i would like to do is check that the totals in the current months load are within +-10% of the previous upload for each source?(SHIP + ONSITE)If they are not than the task should fail? thus the next contanier or task shouldn't proceed.NOw i understand there are many ways to do this, 1) create my own temp table or destination table, use Lookup transform, conditional split etcBut i have never used scripting SSIS, so it would great if some one can advise me how to script this in visual basic.net and implement it using script task.+ any useful links/online resources which will help a complete novice like yourstruly (although i am familiar with OOB like Java,C++) to get a start on SQL VB.net scripting how it all works i would like to start from a novice/begginner & be in a position soon to expolre more advanced things we can do via Scripting +sql together with VB.net. BUt can't find good stuuf online to learn?--===== Create the test table with CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Testing_Learn_SummaryTable]( [RecordNo] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Type] [varchar](15) NULL, [Date] [date] NULL, [Source] [varchar](10) NULL, [Status] [varchar](15) NULL, [Qty] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOSET ANSI_PADDING OFFGO--===== Insert the test data into the test tableINSERT INTO dbo.Testing_Learn_SummaryTable (Type,Date,Source,Status,Qty)SELECT 'Stage', cast('2009-08-19' as DATE), 'SHIP' ,' ',150 UNION ALLSELECT 'Stage', cast('2009-08-19' as date), 'ONSITE',' ',110 UNION ALLSELECT 'Stage', cast('2009-09-19' as DATE), 'SHIP' ,' ',149 UNION ALLSELECT 'Stage', cast('2009-09-19' as DATE), 'ONSITE',' ',105 UNION ALLSELECT 'Stage', cast('2009-10-19' as date), 'SHIP', ' ',134 UNION ALLSELECT 'Stage', cast('2009-10-19' as date), 'ONSITE',' ',100/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/SELECT TOP 1000 [RecordNo] ,[Type] ,[Date] ,[Source] ,[Status] ,[Qty] FROM [ANZ].[dbo].[Testing_Learn_SummaryTable]