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 dataGrid/datatype display

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Starting Member

31 Posts

Posted - 2009-10-29 : 16:11:58
In my datagrid i have a column called IsPlant which is a bit field(in my sqlserver database)......i am basically storing true or my datagrid i want it to display Plant if the value is true and Animal if the value is false.also i want to have a dropdown with values Plant and Animal for the IsPlant if a user selects Plant.....true should be stored in the database........Is this possible.......what will be the drop down control........

Posting Yak Master

212 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-02 : 02:23:31
ya its possible,
use itemtemplate for grid,place a drop down in it and bind it with the appropriate datavalue which is coming from query. in ondatabinding event for this dropdown write appropriate logic for this

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