Ok, think I have quite a simple problem but can't seem to get my head around it.SELECT mrpout.qty, mrpout.duedate, stock.desc1, stock.desc2, stock.desc3, stock.desc4, mrpout.partnumberFROM mrpout, stockWHERE mrpout.partnumber = stock.partnumber
Very basic query pulling out some lines which are then in a table grouped by Part Number.Then from the date I'm using an expression:=IIf(((Fields!duedate.Value) <= (Globals!ExecutionTime) OR (Month(Fields!duedate.Value)) = (Month(Globals!ExecutionTime))),"ASAP",(MonthName(Month(Fields!duedate.Value),False)))
This changes the date to a month or ASAP depending on the expression.Now there's multiple lines for each part number and i need to group these so that the qty is shown for ASAP (anything in the current month or before) or for each following month after.Tried a few things but can't make it work. Should I be doing this in the query or via the table?