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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

310 Posts

Posted - 2010-03-04 : 20:19:14

Can anyone please help in this connectivity problem?

When I tried to login from the VB Platform using this Syntax then I have problem not able to connect:

“Invalid object name <table name>”.

SYNTAX for the Connectity:

myconn.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=GRKLM; DataSource=GRKLM; userid=CHAN/ADMINISTRATOR; password=;"

Even with SA as USERID is also giving the ABOVE mentioned Error.

In the place of USERID substituted with 'BUILTIN\Administrator' OR 'sa'

Can anyone help in this regard.

Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 2010-03-24 : 06:17:42
you must be using sspi
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