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 loading Data From multiple Tables using inner join

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2010-04-04 : 11:42:23
I have a Database with some tables in it. This Database use is to monitor patients and doctors appointments.

I am using a query to get patients and doctors name and surname and Appointment Id from the appointment table. but it is not returning all the data rows. some are skipped.


SELECT Appointment.AppointmentId, Doctor.Name AS [Doc Name], Doctor.Surname AS [Doc Surname], Patient.Surname AS [Patient Surname], Patient.Name AS [Patient Name]
Doctor ON Appointment.DoctorId = Doctor.ID INNER JOIN
Patient ON Appointment.PatientId = Patient.Id AND Doctor.ID = Patient.PrefferedDoctor

Returned Data:
AppId Doc Name Doc Surname Patient Surname Patient Name
0 Richard Doneo Sejchel Rita
1 Richard Doneo Tabone Daniel
4 Duncan Zarb Bajada Chris
7 Richard Doneo Sejchel Rita
10 Gregory House Schuereb Richard
11 Gregory House Schuereb Richard

Expected Data:

0 Richard Doneo Sejchel Rita
1 Richard Doneo Tabone Daniel
3 Maria Cini Bajada Chris
4 Duncan Zarb Bajada Chris
6 Duncan Zarb Tabone Daniel
7 Richard Doneo Sejchel Rita
8 Duncan Zarb Tabone Daniel
9 Duncan Zarb Tabone Daniel
10 Gregory House Schuereb Richard
11 Gregory House Schuereb Richard
12 Gregory House Bajada Chris

If anyone can help me or know what to do to get the fool data


Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2010-04-04 : 13:56:12
may be because all doctors are not preffered doctors for patients

SELECT Appointment.AppointmentId, Doctor.Name AS [Doc Name], Doctor.Surname AS [Doc Surname], Patient.Surname AS [Patient Surname], Patient.Name AS [Patient Name]
Doctor ON Appointment.DoctorId = Doctor.ID LEFT JOIN
Patient ON Appointment.PatientId = Patient.Id AND Doctor.ID = Patient.PrefferedDoctor

SQL Server MVP

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2010-04-04 : 14:53:40
WOW thanks a lot.
I can't believe how it never occurred to me

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Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2010-04-05 : 05:36:24
Thats what you call experience

SQL Server MVP

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