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Yak Posting Veteran
52 Posts |
Posted - 2010-05-27 : 03:40:17
I am writing a query in MSaccess I am facing a problem,in distinguishing text with €Œ , €œSELECT distinct SymboFROM LinkWHERE Voucherno='000001' And VoucherType='DP' And upd=0 And Symbo='€Œ';My result is:Symbo€Œ€Œ€Œ€Œ€Œ€Œ€œ€œ€œ€œBut there is difference between 2 text €Œ , €œ How shall i write the query to distinguish both.Can anybody help..........Keshab |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
8781 Posts |
Posted - 2010-05-27 : 04:41:38
If this is a T-SQL query then you can use a case sensitive collation but in MS Access I don't know. No, you're never too old to Yak'n'Roll if you're too young to die. |
Yak Posting Veteran
52 Posts |
Posted - 2010-05-27 : 07:12:25
How can i do that in T-SqlKeshab |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
8781 Posts |
Posted - 2010-05-27 : 07:43:09
First in a query window in your database run:exec sp_help Your_databasename_hereThen you can see in the second resultset the name of the collation for your column named Symbo.Post the name of that collation here please. No, you're never too old to Yak'n'Roll if you're too young to die. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
8781 Posts |
Posted - 2010-05-27 : 10:34:40
| No, you're never too old to Yak'n'Roll if you're too young to die. |