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Yak Posting Veteran
52 Posts |
Posted - 2010-06-12 : 02:12:58
I got a problem in writing NOT IN queryIt works fine when i write not in query like this :1)select distinct P5.pay_head_name from P5 where payroll_type<>'X' AND P5.pay_head_name NOT IN(select distinct P5.pay_head_name from P5 where payroll_type='X') (This is fine)But when i try to include more columns it give me error likeOnly one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.I tried like like this 2)select distinct P5.pay_head_name,P5.payroll_type from P5 where payroll_type<>'X' AND P5.pay_head_name NOT IN(select distinct P5.pay_head_name,P5.payroll_type from P5 where payroll_type='X') what is the problem in my query no --2.Can anybody helpKeshab |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-06-12 : 02:32:50
You can only select a SINGLE column in the SELECT statement inside an IN / NOT in listSo you can doNOT IN(select distinct P5.pay_head_name FROM ...but you cannot do NOT IN(select distinct P5.pay_head_name, P5.payroll_type FROM ...Why do you wantthe P5.payroll_type column in the NOT IN list? |
Yak Posting Veteran
52 Posts |
Posted - 2010-06-12 : 02:48:35
payrolltype is required Because I am keeping different payheads under different payrolltype.This query helped me a bit distinct P5.pay_head_id,P5.pay_head_name,P5.payroll_type,P5.addition_deduction from P5 where payroll_type<>'X' AND P5.pay_head_name NOT IN(select distinct P5.pay_head_name from P5 where payroll_type='X')UNION(select distinct P5.pay_head_id,P5.pay_head_name,P5.payroll_type,P5.addition_deduction from P5 where payroll_type='X') But unable to bring payrolltype which is NULLKeshab |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-06-12 : 04:36:56
"payrolltype is required Because I am keeping different payheads under different payrolltype"OK, but you will get the same payheads listed byselect distinct P5.pay_head_name from P5 where payroll_type='X'as you will byselect distinct P5.pay_head_name,P5.payroll_type from P5 where payroll_type='X'so including the payroll_type in the SELECT list doesn't make any difference to whether the pay_head_name is in the list, or not.Is this what you want?select distinct P5.pay_head_id, P5.pay_head_name, P5.payroll_type, P5.addition_deduction from P5where( payroll_type<>'X' AND P5.pay_head_name NOT IN ( select distinct P5.pay_head_name from P5 where payroll_type='X' AND P5.pay_head_name IS NOT NULL )) OR payroll_type='X' OR payroll_type IS NULL the last bit will also include records where the payroll_type IS NULL[NOTE: If you have a P5.pay_head_name which is NULL then your NOT IN list will fail, so I've added that "just in case it ever happens" |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-06-12 : 04:40:47
Actually, using NOT EXISTS would be more efficient:select distinct P5.pay_head_id, P5.pay_head_name, P5.payroll_type, P5.addition_deduction from P5 AS P5_Awhere( payroll_type<>'X' AND NOT EXISTS ( select * from P5 AS P5_B where P5_B.payroll_type='X' AND P5_B.pay_head_name = P5_A.pay_head_name )) OR payroll_type='X' OR payroll_type IS NULL |
Yak Posting Veteran
52 Posts |
Posted - 2010-06-12 : 06:19:14
Yes It was exactly what i want.You have read my mind.But I want to order it in the following way.If i give X as payrolltype I want the payroll_type X should come first and others following them.Can anything be done like that .. I have used this distinct view_ptype.pay_head_id, view_ptype.pay_head_name, view_ptype.payroll_type, view_ptype.addition_deduction from view_ptype where(payroll_type<>'X' AND view_ptype.pay_head_name NOT IN(select distinct view_ptype.pay_head_name from view_ptype where payroll_type = 'X' AND view_ptype.pay_head_name IS NOT NULL))OR payroll_type='X' OR payroll_type IS NULL group by pay_head_id please helpKeshab |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-06-12 : 09:23:31
"I want the payroll_type X should come first and others following them"ORDER BY CASE WHEN payroll_type = 'X' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, ... any other sort columns here ... |