If they are all like that (ending in 10) then you can do this:DECLARE @foo TABLE ( [fooID] INT PRIMARY KEY , [dateVal] CHAR(8) )INSERT @foo SELECT 1, '10/03/10'UNION SELECT 2, '16/03/10'UNION SELECT 3, '12/01/49'UNION SELECT 4, '12/01/50'SET DATEFORMAT dmySELECT f.[fooID] , f.[dateVal] , CAST(f.[dateVal] AS [DateTime])FROM @foo AS f
The Cast / Convert will flip between 19xx and 20xx around 50 (so if the year is 49 it's 2049 and if it's 50 it's 1950).Note the SET DATEFORMAT dmyStore the values from the CAST / CONVERT in a DATETIME field -- then you should be OK.Charlie===============================================================Msg 3903, Level 16, State 1, Line 1736The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION