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Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-22 : 16:17:24
I have created a stored procedure which is quite complex, It seems to work efficiently, but it seems to take 20 minutes to produce results. Any expert would like to help me to speed it up, it will be better to have a running time in 10 minutes. I pasted a copy of the query below any help with this would be gratefully appreciated.(3714124 row(s) affected) 1187 (running time)(1559410 row(s) affected) 24 (running time)ALTER proc [dbo].[proc_Accelerate] @inforcedate as smalldatetimeasIF OBJECT_ID('inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW_controls') IS NOT NULL DROP table inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW_controlsIF OBJECT_ID('inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW') IS NOT NULL DROP table inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEWSELECT DISTINCT a.Policy AS PolicyNumber, a.PersonSequence AS PersonNumber, a.CoveredPerson AS PersonCode, PhaseBenCat = case when a.BENEFITPACKAGE = 'NAV' AND a.BenefitCatSubstituted = 'FOO' AND a.PLANCODE LIKE 'C%RNFC9' THEN 'NHO' when a.BENEFITPACKAGE = 'NAV' AND a.BenefitCatSubstituted = 'CCO' AND a.PLANCODE LIKE 'C%HNFC9' THEN 'HHO' else a.BenefitCatSubstituted end, a.BenefitCatFixed as phaseBenFixed, n.Coverage AS BenefitCoverage, a.Phase AS PhaseNumber, a.Company, a.PolicyStatus, UWAge = isnull(p.UWAge,a.UWAge), a.PhaseGender AS Gender, a.MaritalStatus, a.APIF AS PolicyAPIF, a.PhaseAPIF, UWDate = isnull(p.uwdate,a.UWDate), a.PlanCode, a.PhaseStatus, a.Units, a.Options AS OptionCode, a.Mode, a.MaritalRule, a.BioOptions, a.BenefitPeriod, a.BenefitAmount, a.AltUnits AS AlternateUnits, BenefitPackage = case when a.BENEFITPACKAGE = 'NAV' AND a.BenefitCatSubstituted = 'FOO' AND a.PLANCODE LIKE 'C%RNFC9' THEN 'NH+ALF+HHC' when a.BENEFITPACKAGE = 'NAV' AND a.BenefitCatSubstituted = 'CCO' AND a.PLANCODE LIKE 'C%HNFC9' THEN 'NH+ALF+HHC' else a.BenefitPackage end, a.NHFlag AS NHPoolingFlag, a.NHPoolUnits AS NHUnits, a.AlfPoolUnits AS ALFUnits, a.HHCPoolUnits AS HHCUnits, case when a.BenefitCatSubstituted = 'FOO' AND a.Units >= .005 AND a.NHPoolUnits > 0 then convert(smallint,100*a.AlfPoolUnits/a.NHPoolUnits) else convert(smallint,-1) end AS [ALF%], a.ExtraSpouse, a.PremiumPerson,case when a.ExtraSpouse = '99' or a.PremiumPerson = a.CoveredPersonTHEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END AS FreeSpouseFlag,case a.PolicyStatus when '4' then 'P' when '7' then 'S' else 'N' end AS PaidUpFlag, a.DeceasedSpouse AS DeadSpouseFlag, a.SurvivorAvailablePolicy AS SurvivorshipIndic, IssueYear = Isnull(year(p.uwdate),year(a.UWdate)), IssueMonth = ISNULL(MONTH(p.uwdate),MONTH(a.UWdate)), a.ShortDescription, a.BaseRiderFlag AS BaseRider, (case a.Mode when 'A' then a.PhaseAPIF when 'S' then a.PhaseAPIF/2 when 'Q' then a.PhaseAPIF/4 when 'M' then a.PhaseAPIF/12 end) AS ModePremium,case when a.ShortDescription = 'uniprod' and len(ltrim(rtrim(a.options))) = 8 then case when substring(ltrim(rtrim(a.options)),4,1) in ('3','4') then 2 when substring(ltrim(rtrim(a.options)),4,1) in ('5','6','7') then 1 else 0 endelse 0end as BioType, 'N' as PolicyPoolingFlag, --By default, it is 'N'case when (a.ShortDescription = 'FC1' and n.Coverage = 'HHO') or a.PlanCode = 'BF63'then substring(ltrim(rtrim(a.options)),Len(ltrim(rtrim(a.options)))-1,1) else right(ltrim(rtrim(a.options)),1)end DiscOption, a.subphase, IGflag = isnull(q.[Ind or Group Flag],'i'), a.state, a.ValBasePlan, a.ValBaseSub, accumprem = isnull(a.accumprem - a.waivedprem,0), uwdate_check = a.uwdate, a.class, ISNULL(dd.[PERSON EFFECTIVE DATE],'1980-01-01') as Person_effective_date, a.policy, a.personstatus, nflflag = case when a.rlob12 = '1f' then 'y' else 'n' end, case when b.sgtype is null then case substring(a.ServiceGroup,3,1)when 'a' then 'A'when 'i' then 'N'else 'W' endelse b.sgtype end as ServiceGroupIndic ,Case when year(a.survivoreligdate) = 9999 then nullelse year(a.survivoreligdate) end as survivoreligYr,rrShort = isnull(d.shortDescMap,a.shortdescription),rrbioMap = case left(a.bioOptions,1) when 'U' then 'N' else left(a.bioOptions,1) end,MoSesPlan = cast(case when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'LTC2GRP' AND a.PLANCODE IN ('EA27','EA28','EA29','EB28','EB29','EB27') then 'LTC4' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'INP' AND a.COMPANY = 3 then 'PROT' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FCPOOL' AND a.COMPANY = 3 AND n.Coverage = 'CCO' then 'PROT' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FCPOOL' AND a.COMPANY = 3 then 'PRO3' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FC2' AND a.PLANCODE LIKE 'N2%' then 'FC2G' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FC2' AND a.PLANCODE LIKE 'N1%' then 'FC2RG' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FC2' AND (a.PLANCODE LIKE 'F1%' OR a.PLANCODE LIKE 'H1%') then 'FC2R' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'DG' AND a.PLANCODE IN ('N19HC999','N19NH999') then 'FC2RG' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'COLTC' AND a.COMPANY = 8 then 'TCTQ' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'COLTC' AND a.COMPANY = 3 then 'PRO2' when a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'COLTC' AND a.COMPANY = 7 then 'LTC5' when = 6 then 'PC1' else f.moseplan end as varchar(20)),benefitCode = case when =4 and f.MoSePlan = 'ADVAN' and (n.Coverage = 'LTO' or n.Coverage = 'NHO') then 'L' when a.Company = 8 and [ACForHHCPercentage]='050' and n.Coverage = 'HHO' then 'I' when = 6 then 'L' when n.Coverage = 'HAL' then 'A' when n.Coverage = 'CCO' then 'C' when n.Coverage = 'FOO' then 'F' when n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.benefitpackage = 'HHO' and f.moseplan not in ('LACERA','PRO3','TCCOMP','TCTQ','LTC2') and (a.SHORTDESCRIPTION != 'FCPOOL' OR a.COMPANY != 3 OR n.Coverage = 'CCO') and (a.SHORTDESCRIPTION != 'COLTC' OR a.COMPANY != 8) then 'H' when n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.benefitpackage = 'HHO' then 'S' when n.Coverage = 'HHO' then 'H' when n.Coverage = 'NAL' and f.MoSePlan = 'UNIPROD' then 'A' when n.Coverage = 'NAL' then 'K' when n.Coverage = 'LTC' then 'L' when n.Coverage = 'LTO' then 'N' when n.Coverage = 'NHO' then 'N' when n.Coverage = 'PLU' then 'P' when n.Coverage = 'XNH' then 'Z' when n.Coverage in ('ROP','NHR','HHR') then 'R' else null end, elimPeriod =case when a.elimPeriod = 'NAV ' then '0030' when a.elimperiod = '9999' then '0' when a.ElimPeriod='-1' then convert(varchar(4), '0') else a.ElimPeriod end, trueEP = case when a.elimperiod = 'NAV' then '0030' when a.elimPeriod like '%k' then (case when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits > 150 then '90' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 60 then '20' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 150 then '60' end) when f.MoSePlan = 'UNIPROD' and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.elimPeriod > 30 then 90 when f.MoSePlan = 'UNIPROD' and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.elimPeriod <= 30 then 0 when (f.MoSePlan = 'PROT' or (a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FCPOOL' AND a.COMPANY = 3 AND n.Coverage = 'CCO')) and n.Coverage = 'CCO' and a.elimPeriod =100 then '90' when f.MoSePlan in('LTC','LTC2') and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.elimPeriod in (60,90,100) then '0' when f.MoSePlan in('LTC','LTC2') and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.elimPeriod= 20 then '0' when (f.MoSePlan='PRO3' or (a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FCPOOL' AND a.COMPANY = 3 and n.Coverage <> 'CCO')) and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.benefitperiod between 41 and 77 then '0' when f.MoSePlan = 'LTC2' and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.elimPeriod = 30 then '0' when f.MoSePlan = 'FC2' and (a.plancode not like 'N2%' and a.plancode not like 'N1%' and a.plancode not like 'F1%' and a.plancode not like 'H1%') and ( <> 3 or a.shortdescription <> 'INP') and (n.Coverage = 'HHO'or n.Coverage = 'CCO') and a.elimPeriod <> 20 then '20' when (f.MoSePlan = 'FC2RG' or (a.shortdescription = 'FC2' and a.plancode like 'N1%') or (a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'DG' AND a.PLANCODE IN ('N19HC999','N19NH999'))) and (n.Coverage = 'HHO'or n.Coverage = 'CCO') and a.elimPeriod = 0 then '20' when f.MoSePlan in('LTC','LTC2') and (n.Coverage = 'LTO'or n.Coverage = 'NHO' or n.Coverage = 'XNH') and a.elimPeriod in (60,90) then '100' when f.MoSePlan in('LTC','LTC2') and (n.Coverage = 'LTO'or n.Coverage = 'NHO' or n.Coverage = 'XNH') and a.elimPeriod = 20 then '30' ---only BC='N' no'Z' when f.MoSePlan = 'TCCOMP' and a.elimPeriod = 20 then '30' when (a.PLANCODE IN ('EA27','EA28','EA29','EB28','EB29','EB27') or f.MoSePlan='LTC4') and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.elimPeriod = 0 then '10' when (f.MoSePlan in ('PROT','TC2') or (a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'INP' AND a.COMPANY = 3)) and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.elimPeriod = 60 and a.benefitPeriod <= 17 then '10' when a.elimPeriod not like '%k' and convert(int,a.elimPeriod) < 10 then 0 when a.elimPeriod not like '%k' then convert(int,a.elimPeriod) else a.elimPeriod end, truebp=case when ((a.SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'FCPOOL' AND a.COMPANY = 3 and n.Coverage <> 'CCO')or f.MoSePlan='PRO3') and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.benefitperiod between 42 and 53 then '2' when f.MoSePlan= 'UNIPROD' and a.benefitperiod <= 17 and a.benefitAmount = 25000 then '6' when f.MoSePlan = 'LTC2' and (a.SHORTDESCRIPTION <> 'LTC2GRP' or a.PLANCODE not IN ('EA27','EA28','EA29','EB28','EB29','EB27')) and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.benefitperiod >17 then '1' when f.MoSePlan= 'LTC' and n.Coverage = 'HHO' and a.benefitperiod >17 then '1' when = 3 and e.paymentType <> '04' and (n.Coverage = 'LTO'or n.Coverage = 'NHO'or n.Coverage = 'PLU'or n.Coverage = 'NAL') and a.benefitperiod <= 17 then '2' when = 3 and (a.benefitperiod between 30 and 41) then '2' when = 3 and (a.benefitperiod between 54 and 65) then '4' when a.ElimPeriod like '%k' then (case when a.benefitperiod <= 17 then '1' when a.benefitperiod <= 29 then '2' when a.benefitperiod <= 41 then '3' when a.benefitperiod <= 53 then '4' when a.benefitperiod <= 65 then '5' when a.benefitperiod <= 77 then '6' when a.benefitperiod <= 89 then '7' when a.benefitperiod <= 101 then '8' when a.benefitperiod <= 113 then '9' when a.benefitperiod <= 126 then '10' else '99' end) when a.elimPeriod not like '%k' then(case when a.benefitperiod <= 17 then '1' when a.benefitperiod <= 29 then '2' when a.benefitperiod <= 41 then '3' when a.benefitperiod <= 53 then '4' when a.benefitperiod <= 65 then '5' when a.benefitperiod <= 77 then '6' when a.benefitperiod <= 89 then '7' when a.benefitperiod <= 101 then '8' when a.benefitperiod <= 113 then '9' when a.benefitperiod <= 126 then '10' else '99' end) end, cctrueep = case when a.elimPeriod = 'NAV ' then '0030' when a.elimPeriod like '%k' then (case when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 10 then '0' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 20 then '10' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 30 then '20' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 60 then '30' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 90 then '60' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits < 100 then '90' when convert(integer,substring(a.elimPeriod,1,3))*1000.0/a.AltUnits > 100 then '150 ' else '100' end) when a.elimPeriod not like '%k' then (case when convert(int,a.elimPeriod) > 100 then '150' else convert(int,a.elimPeriod) end) else convert(int,a.elimPeriod) end,cctruebp = case when f.MoSePlan= 'UNIPROD' and a.benefitperiod <= 17 and a.benefitAmount = 25000 then '6' when a.elimPeriod not like '%k' then (case when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) = 0 then '1' when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) >=6 and convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) < 10 then '6' when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) >=10 and convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) < 30 then '10' when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) = 30 then '99' else convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) end) when a.elimPeriod like '%k' then (case when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) = 0 then '1' when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) >=6 and convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) < 10 then '6' when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) >=10 and convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) < 30 then '10' when convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) = 30 then '99' else convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) end) else convert(int,a.benefitperiod/12) end, rateclass = case when n.Coverage in ('ROP','NHR','HHR') then cast('Q' as varchar(5)) when a.shortdescription = 'UNIPROD' then uni.rateClass when = 4 and len(non7.[rt class]) = 2 then case when a.UWAGE > 50 then substring(non7.[rt class],2,1) else substring(non7.[rt class],1,1) end when = 7 then pfl.[rt class] else non7.[rt class] end into inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW_controlsFROM ltcpdbw.PolicyMasterFile.dbo.TBL_PMFW_DATA_POLICYMASTERFILE_ARCHIVE a WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN policmasterfile.dbo.BenefitCategoryDescription n WITH (NOLOCK) ON a.BenefitCatSubstituted = n.BenefitCategory left outer join inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_UWErrorForTAS pON = p.companyAND a.Certificate = p.policyAND a.PersonSequence = p.personSequenceAND a.phase = p.phaseleft outer JOIN policmasterfile.dbo.tbl_rlob_values qon a.rlob12 = q.[rlob 1]and a.rlob34 = q.[rlob 2]Left outer join PolicMasterFile.dbo.NFD_ActVersion ddon a.Policy=dd.[POLICY NUMBER] and a.Company=dd.COMPANY and a.PersonSequence=dd.[PERSON SEQUENCE] left join policmasterfile.dbo.sgtype b WITH (NOLOCK) on a.ServiceGroup = b.ServiceGroupinner join ccengine.dbo.aegonpoolingfactorsmap bbon bb.bpmo = a.BenefitPeriodand bb.poolingflag = 'Y'inner join policmasterfile.dbo.benefitMapping con a.benefitPackage = c.benefitPackageinner join policmasterfile.dbo.shortDescMapping don = d.companyand isnull(q.[Ind or Group Flag],'i') = d.indOrGroupand a.shortDescription = d.shortDesc left outer join ltcpdbw.policymasterfile.dbo.TBL_PMFW_DATA_LINEOFBUSINESS eon a.Options = e.[optioncode]and a.plancode = e.[plancode]and valuationdate = '06/30/2011'left outer join policmasterfile.dbo.RATE_CLASS_FOR_NON_comp7 non7on = non7.comp2and a.shortDescription = non7.[SHRT DESC]and a.MaritalStatus = non7.MARITALSTATUS and a.Options = non7.[DISCOPT]and != 7 and non7.[DISC TYPE] = e.[DiscountType] left outer join policmasterfile.dbo.pfl_rate_class pflon e.[DiscountType] = pfl.[Discount Type]and e.[DiscountFactor] = pfl.[Discount Factor] and a.MaritalStatus = pfl.MARITALSTATUSand = 7left outer join policmasterfile.dbo.Uniprod_rate_class union right(rtrim(a.Options),1) = uni.DiscCodeAND a.shortDescription = 'UNIPROD'left outer join policmasterfile.dbo.moseplan_shortDescription fon a.shortDescription = f.shortDescription/*left outer join inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_miniValTableForTAS h ON = h.companyAnd a.certificate = h.CertAnd a.phase =h. Phase And a.gender =h.Sexleft outer join policmasterfile.dbo.valMethLookUpTable g ---WITH (NOLOCK)on h.ValMeth =g.valMeth*/WHERE '6/30/2011' between a.fromDate and a.thruDateSELECT a.*, h.valMeth, h.GAAPBenefitReserve, h.GAAPMaintenanceReserve, h.GAAPAcquistionReserve, h.TaxALRReserve, h.StatALRReserve, h.V_dac00CM, h.V_dac00NCom, h.Stat_Reserve_1207, h.p_benres, h.p_maintres, h.P_dac00CM, h.p_dac00NCom, h.p_dacCM, h.p_dfp, h.UnearnedPremium, h.V_dfp, taxPT =case when convert(int,e.[paymentType]) = 1 then 0 when g.taxpt = 'A' then 1 when g.taxpt = 'A' then (case when a.shortDescription = 'UNIPROD'then 1 else 0 end) else g.taxPT end,statPT= case when convert(int,e.[paymentType]) = 1 then 0 when g.STATpt = 'A' then 1 when g.taxPT = 'A' then (case when a.shortDescription = 'UNIPROD' then 1 else 0 end) else g.statpt endinto inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEWFROM inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW_controls a WITH (NOLOCK) left outer join inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_miniValTableForTAS h ON = h.companyAnd a.PolicyNumber = h.CertAnd a.PhaseNumber =h. Phase And a.gender =h.Sexleft outer join policmasterfile.dbo.valMethLookUpTable g ---WITH (NOLOCK)on h.ValMeth =g.valMethleft outer join ltcpdbw.policymasterfile.dbo.TBL_PMFW_DATA_LINEOFBUSINESS eon a.OptionCode = e.[optioncode]and a.plancode = e.[plancode]and valuationdate = '06/30/2011'WHERE a.PolicyStatus IN ('1','3','4','6','7','8')AND a.PhaseStatus IN ('1','3','4','6','7','8')AND a.Class NOT IN ('M','R')And a.Personcode in ('00','03','04')and a.subphase = 0AND @inforcedate >= a.uwdate_checkupdate inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW set PolicyPoolingFlag = (select case when sum( case when nhpoolingflag = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end ) > 0 then 'Y' else 'N' end from inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW B where inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW.policyNumber = b.policyNumber )where exists (select 1 from inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW b where inforcebuild.dbo.tbl_inf_TAS_NEW.policyNumber = b.policyNumber ) |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-22 : 17:40:58
You've posted an enormous stored procedure. I am not sure that we will be able to help you with such a beast. We offer free help, and this is looking like it would take quite a bit of time.Have you viewed the execution plan to verify if there are scans, nested loops, or anything bad in there? Does SSMS indicate any missing indexes for this? How about the missing indexes report?Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server to my blog |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-23 : 02:25:32
"... this is looking like it would take quite a bit of time."I found the "WITH (NOLOCK)" scary, no error checking, no SET NOCOUNT ON, and I glazed over a bit at that point |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-23 : 10:41:09
Thanks a lot Kristen and tkizer!I will take a look at the indexes first and that might do it. but where can I see the the execution plan in SQL Server? |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-23 : 11:22:53
If you use SSMS you can Right Click and ask select the Actual Query Plan (and that will include suggestions for any indexes that are missing)If you are just using a raw SQL tool then:-- SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ONGO-- SET STATISTICS IO ON; SET STATISTICS TIME ONBEGIN TRANSACTION ... put query here ...ROLLBACKSET STATISTICS IO OFF; SET STATISTICS TIME OFFGOSET SHOWPLAN_TEXT OFFGO and remove the comment from either the SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON or the SET STATISTICS IO depending on which you want to can be handy to see the plan in Text, as it is searchable, but its quite "dense" to read - so up to you which you feel more comfortable with. I fine the GUI plans need a lot of clicking and scrolling to find what I need ... but I have the familiarity of using them for many years of course. |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-23 : 12:06:43
Great appreciated for the quick response, Kristen. I will give it try... we will have a company picnic this afternoon.... Fun stuff, I will let you know the process next Monday, my teacher!! Have a wonderful Weekend! |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-24 : 07:47:06
"company picnic"Damn! Read this too late to come and join you, but thanks for the invite |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-26 : 12:02:52
what dose this statement mean... which table I should put in the field 'tempdb..#pmf'...IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#pmf', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #pmf ; |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-26 : 12:06:38
Dunno. Where did you see that ? |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-26 : 12:14:19
I did asked my IT team for query plan detail to look at the index missing, the guy give me some advice for my problem issue. see below. How do you think...the two big table have those records below... 1st one has 2,270,442 rows, the 2nd one has 15.000,000 rows.The main reason that made this stored procedure run very slow is you are scanning a 148-million-row table. I suggest that you break the big query into some smaller chunks like the examples below (see the highlighted queries). In addition, you don’t need to use linked server LTCPDBW, just use the tables in PolicyMasterFile in LTCPDB1. Anything running on linked server will be single thread…meaning very slow.IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#pmf', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #pmf ;SELECT *INTO #pmfFROM PolicyMasterFile.dbo.TBL_PMFW_DATA_POLICYMASTERFILE_ARCHIVE WITH (NOLOCK)WHERE '20110630' BETWEEN FromDate AND ThruDate ;IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#lob', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #lob ;SELECT *INTO #lobFROM policymasterfile.dbo.TBL_PMFW_DATA_LINEOFBUSINESS WITH (NOLOCK)WHERE valuationdate = '20110630' ; |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-26 : 12:26:38
Ah, understand it now.You are being advised to make a query into temporary tables #pmf & #lobThe command:IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#pmf', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #pmf ; is just ensuring that if the temporary table already exists it should be dropped.If this is in a stored procedure you won;t need to do that, because the "scope" will only be within the Sproc, so the table won't exist at the start, and will be automatically dropped at the end (unless this is running in a LOOP)I suggest you try changing the LTCPDBW table to your local one first. That is likely to make a significant difference.I'm not very keen on breaking down a complex query into portions that are run separately (the lack of isolation is likely to mean that rows may be excluded that should be subsequently included, or are included in the #TempTables but then not available when the actual query is run). But it would be worth trying to see what the impact is. |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-26 : 12:56:30
I agree with you, that's what I am doing and try to change LTCPDBW table to your local one first and see what will happen, actually, I created some temp tables, it already speed up a little bit... see what will happen this afternoon, Lunch time, Enjoy your lunch break, Kristen |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-26 : 16:54:52
Eventually, I found only this table --ltcpdbw.PolicyMasterFile.dbo.TBL_PMFW_DATA_POLICYMASTERFILE_ARCHIVE a (2,270,442 rows) caused the long running time (around 15 minutes when created a temp table only from this one). It will be almost same time if I changed ltcpdbw to local oneany advice on how to speed it up when use this table... |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-26 : 18:01:39
"It will be almost same time if I changed ltcpdbw to local one"Why? Your IT team seemed to think the local table would be much quicker, I think ? |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-27 : 10:37:58
Helllllo, Kristen. it is AMAZING when I run this procedure again this morning after changing ltcpdbw to local one,(surely it was an effective way to solve this problem). it only took around 6 minutes for the whole process. Totally different with yesterday. Another reason that caused this problem is that the database was very slow and crowdy a few days ago due to month end. In a word, you help me out and I have learned more about Database...A happy day... THANK YOU Kristen....Have a happy day too...~~ |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-27 : 12:55:36
Glad you got it fixed |