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 query to find which data files indexes are using?

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

352 Posts

Posted - 2012-05-12 : 00:24:36
Currently I have to go through one by one and look at the storage properties. Is there a query that will list all the indexes and which data file they are using?

Constraint Violating Yak Guru

367 Posts

Posted - 2012-05-16 : 20:11:11
select 'table_name'=object_name( ,i.indid
,'index_name' ,i.groupid
,'filegroup' ,'file_name'=d.physical_name
,'dataspace' from sys.sysindexes i
,sys.filegroups f ,sys.database_files d
,sys.data_spaces s
where f.data_space_id = i.groupid
and f.data_space_id = d.data_space_id
and f.data_space_id = s.data_space_id
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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

352 Posts

Posted - 2012-05-21 : 11:29:29
Thank you. That is perfect.
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