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 change dbo

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

332 Posts

Posted - 2012-05-12 : 16:18:55
When I setup a test sql server 2008 r2 database, I just took all the defaults. As I found out latter, my domain\username is the dbo. However I would like to change the dbo to another person in the company and/or possibly use a sql login just created for this purpose. Thus can you tell me who sql and/or systems stored procedure I would use to change the person assigned to this database as dbo.

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2179 Posts

Posted - 2012-05-13 : 01:42:06
sp_changedowner changes the owner of the current database. This is a deprecated feature.
Consider using ALTER AUTHORIZATION from now on.

Jack Vamvas
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