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 problems moving model and msdb

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2012-05-23 : 09:57:24
I tried to move my model and msdb databases to a different location following the steps outlined here -[url];en-us;224071[/url]. I was able to detach them but can't seem to reattach them.

When I try to reattach, the error log says, "Could not find database ID 3 (which is the Model database). Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. Reissue the query once the database is available." Sort of a catch 22.

Any ideas?

Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2012-05-23 : 15:38:57
The problem is that the instructions were for 2005 wheras I'm on 2008. Since it was a test instance, I just decided to rebuild the database and use the correct 2008 instructions for moving system databases.
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