I am trying to set up a maintenance to defrag, reindex, and cleantable on the larger tables in a 96 GB database to be run in between regular maintenance as we have seen these tables get his pretty hard and have the most issues.Below is a sample. I have noticed that actually cleaning the tables is "growing" the Data file. I have played a little with the variables in Reindex and CleanTable only to see it grow more. Any suggestions? USE [master]GOALTER DATABASE [TmsEPly] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE WITH NO_WAITGOUSE TmsEPlyGODBCC INDEXDEFRAG(TmsEPly,'APPLICATION_LOG_DETAIL',PK_APPLICATION_LOG_DETAIL)GOUse TmsEPlyGODBCC DBREINDEX('APPLICATION_LOG_DETAIL',PK_APPLICATION_LOG_DETAIL, 100);GOUSE TmsEPlyGODBCC CLEANTABLE(TmsEPly,'APPLICATION_LOG_DETAIL',0)GO/*********/USE [TmsEPly]GODBCC SHRINKFILE (N'TmsEPly_Log' , 0, TRUNCATEONLY)GOUSE [master]GOALTER DATABASE [TmsEPly] SET RECOVERY FULL WITH NO_WAITGO