Someone gave me a few rows of data exported from a table. This was given to me in an Excel 2008 format (*.xlsx) and SQL Server would not import it because it was missing some library. All I really need is a single row so I can do a little programming until I can get access to the live db.Really, I only need a half dozen columns so I exported to a CSV and tried to import from there but there is an IMAGE data type column that is causing me problems and I don't have access to create an SSIS package on this development system. I then tried creating a INSERT query to just get the one row with the columns I needed and that is where I am stuck now. The CAST call shows only a small fraction of the string that came out of the Excel spreadsheet for the column. It goes on for hundreds of characters.GregINSERT INTO [TestDB].[dbo].[Test_Table] ([queue_id] ,[enterprise_id] ,[practice_id] ,[agent_name] ,[agent_type] ,[state] ,[internal_msg]) VALUES (NEWID() ,'00001' ,'00001' ,'00001' ,'00001' ,'00001' ,CAST('0x3C6952454D20766...' AS IMAGE)