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 Issue in displaying Crystal Report

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Starting Member

10 Posts

Posted - 2012-12-13 : 22:10:21
If I click any of the tools in Crystal Report viewer it shows " The report you requested requires further information" message.Help will be appreciated.Find my code below

Thank You in advance.
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1"
runat="server" AutoDataBind="true" DisplayToolbar="true" />
protected void btnreport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
AttendanceDataSet ds = new AttendanceDataSet(); // .xsd file name
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
TableLogOnInfo myLogOnInfo = new TableLogOnInfo();
CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo = new TableLogOnInfos();

myLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "SARJ-PC\\SQLSERVER";
myLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "TMS";

myLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = "kuts";
myLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = "password1234";

// Just set the name of data table
dt.TableName = "Crystal Report Example";
dt = getAllOrders(); //This function is located below this function

// Your .rpt file path will be below
rptDoc.Load(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "StudentCrystalReport.rpt");
//set dataset to the report viewer.
CrystalReportViewer1.EnableDatabaseLogonPrompt = true;

CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptDoc;


public DataTable getAllOrders()
//Connection string replace 'databaseservername' with your db server name
//string dt1 = fromDateTextBox.Text;
//string dt2 = toDateTextBox.Text;
string sqlCon = "Server=SARJ-PC\\SQLSERVER;" +
"Database=TMS;User ID=kuts; Password=password1234";
SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection(sqlCon);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
DataSet ds = null;
SqlDataAdapter adapter;
//Stored procedure calling. It is already in sample db.
cmd.CommandText = "getAllOrders";
//cmd = new SqlCommand("select Activity.ActID, Activity.User_id, Activity.Trainer_Name, Activity.Hours, Activity.Date, Activity.Subject, Login_log.Login_time, Login_log.Logout_time, Login_log.Clock_in, Login_log.Clock_out from Activity, Login_log where Activity.User_id =@uid and Login_log.Login_time >= @fromDate and Login_log.Logout_time <=@toDate and Activity.User_id = Login_log.User_id and Activity.ActID = Login_log.ActID ", Con);
cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT dbo.Login.Login_name, dbo.Activity.ActID, dbo.Activity.User_id, dbo.Activity.Trainer_Name, dbo.Activity.Student_Name, dbo.Activity.Project_Name, dbo.Activity.Hours, dbo.Task.Task_Name, dbo.Login_log.Login_time, dbo.Login_log.Logout_time, dbo.Login_log.Clock_in, dbo.Login_log.Clock_out FROM dbo.Login, dbo.Activity INNER JOIN dbo.Login_log ON dbo.Activity.logID = dbo.Login_log.logID INNER JOIN dbo.Task ON dbo.Activity.TaskID = dbo.Task.TaskID where dbo.Login.User_id = @uid and dbo.Activity.User_id = @uid and dbo.Activity.Date between convert(datetime, @fromDate ,5) and convert(datetime, @toDate, 5) ", Con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@uid", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters["@uid"].Value = userIDTextBox.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@fromDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
cmd.Parameters["@fromDate"].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(fromDateTextBox.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@toDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
cmd.Parameters["@toDate"].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(toDateTextBox.Text);

cmd.Connection = Con;
ds = new DataSet();
adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
adapter.Fill(ds, "Users");
errorLabel.Text = "Ooops Error!!!";
if (Con.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
return ds.Tables[0];


Aged Yak Warrior

555 Posts

Posted - 2012-12-19 : 10:43:09
Did you write the report or is this an old/existing report you are trying to run?

This text would suggest you are using an old db connection and you need to setup the db connection to the current db. That also means that the fields will be out of date if the db are not the same.

Connection string replace 'databaseservername' with your db server name
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