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Posted - 2013-04-25 : 11:35:22
Hi thereI hope you can help meI'm looking for a query that lets me find a specific text in a lets say "unknown" Database.By this a mean: I wanna search every column in every table if a "text" exists.I couldnt find anything (maybe i searched for the wrong turns), but i created a query on my own:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[x_FeldinhaltSuchen] @i_SucheNach varchar(255)ASDECLARE @ObjID intDECLARE @Table varchar(50)DECLARE @Column varchar(50)DECLARE @PrimaryIDColumn varchar(50)DECLARE @Search varchar(255)DECLARE @cmd varchar(1024)-- Temporäre Tabelle für die RückgabeCREATE Table #temp( [Table] varchar(50), [Column] varchar(50))-- Suchwert definieren (mit % für Wildcard-Suche)SELECT @Search = '%' + @i_SucheNach + '%'DECLARE FieldCursor CURSOR FOR (SELECT sys.tables.object_id,, FROM sys.columns join sys.tables ON sys.tables.object_id = sys.columns.object_id WHERE system_type_id IN (SELECT system_type_id FROM sys.types WHERE name in ('text', 'ntext', 'varchar', 'char', 'nvarchar', 'nchar')))OPEN FieldCursorFETCH NEXT FROM FieldCursor INTO @ObjID, @Table, @ColumnWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN SELECT @PrimaryIDColumn = '' SELECT @PrimaryIDColumn = isnull(name, '') FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = @ObjID AND is_identity = 1 -- Überprüfung des Inhalts, sofern Inhalt existiert, wird er in die temporäre Tabelle geschrieben -- Sofern PrimaryID existiert, mit PrimaryID auf Existenz prüfen -> Abfragen sind schneller IF @PrimaryIDColumn <> '' SELECT @cmd = 'IF EXISTS(SELECT [' + @PrimaryIDColumn ELSE SELECT @cmd = 'IF EXISTS(SELECT [' + @Column SELECT @cmd = @cmd + '] FROM [' + @Table + '] WHERE convert(varchar(50), [' + @Column + ']) LIKE ''' + @Search + ''') ' SELECT @cmd = @cmd + 'INSERT INTO #temp SELECT ''' + @Table + ''', ''' + @Column + '''' -- Ausführen des Commands: () da der Command in einem String ist print @cmd EXEC (@cmd) SELECT @ObjID = 0 SELECT @Table = '', @Column = '' -- nächstes Objekt FETCH NEXT FROM FieldCursor INTO @ObjID, @Table, @ColumnENDCLOSE FieldCursorDEALLOCATE FieldCursor-- Ausgabe der TabelleSELECT * FROM #tempDELETE #tempDROP TABLE #tempFinish:RETURN 0GOSo what it does is pretty obviousFor every column it creates an "if exist/insert"-String which is then executedThe problem is: its very slowIs there a proper and faster way to search?Thank you |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-04-25 : 11:46:15
| Server MVP |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-06 : 10:05:06
Thank youthat did the job! |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2013-05-07 : 00:22:26
welcome------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |