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Posted - 2013-07-02 : 06:58:26
hello allim new be in sql..i have modified sp like bellow :--update : AfridelCREATE procedure osr_gen_nth_topup_rpt_by_date_afri @rpt_dateFrom varchar(10) -- yyyy-MM-dd format @rpt_dateTo varchar (10) -- yyyy-MM-dd format as begin set nocount on declare @lk_srv varchar(50), @lk_db varchar(50), @sql_cmd varchar(2000) select @lk_srv = srv_name, @lk_db = [db_name] from osr_linked_servers(nolock) where id = 'OFFLINE_ESP' /* ****************** get top up data ****************** */ --- this temp table stores all topup data for the date create table #tmp_nth_topup ( iccid varchar(20), nth_topup int) --- fill in the temp table with mvno topup data set @sql_cmd = 'insert into #tmp_nth_topup (iccid, nth_topup) select m.iccid, count(1) nth_topup from <@srv_name>.<@db_name>.dbo.topup_log t join <@srv_name>.<@db_name>.dbo.mvno_account m on t.mobileno = m.mobileno where t.createdate between ''<@rpt_dateFrom> 00:00:00'' and ''<@rpt_dateTo> 23:59:59'' and t.transstatusid = 1 group by m.iccid' set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@srv_name>', @lk_srv) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@db_name>', @lk_db) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@rpt_dateFrom>', @rpt_dateFrom) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@rpt_dateTo>', @rpt_dateTo) exec(@sql_cmd) /* ****************** get first login data ****************** */ --- this temp table stores all 1st login data for the date create table #tmp_first_login ( iccid varchar(20), first_login int) --- fill in the temp table with first login data set @sql_cmd = 'insert into #tmp_first_login (iccid, first_login) select iccid, 1 from <@srv_name>.<@db_name>.dbo.sim where firstupdate between ''<@rpt_dateFrom> 00:00:00'' and ''<@rpt_dateTo> 23:59:59''' set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@srv_name>', @lk_srv) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@db_name>', @lk_db) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@rpt_dateFrom>', @rpt_dateFrom) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@rpt_dateTo>', @rpt_dateTo) exec(@sql_cmd) /* ****************** join topup and first login data ****************** */ create table #tmp_full_join ( iccid varchar(20), nth_topup int, first_login int) insert into #tmp_full_join select isnull(t.iccid, f.iccid), isnull(t.nth_topup, 0), isnull(f.first_login, 0) from #tmp_nth_topup t full join #tmp_first_login f on t.iccid = f.iccid --- clean up drop table #tmp_nth_topup drop table #tmp_first_login /* ****************** map topup and first login data with freesim data ****************** */ --- this table maps the topup data with the freesim LP data create table #tmp_lp_rpt ( ordersim_url varchar(500), nth_topup int, first_login int, [contract] varchar(50), [source] varchar(25), country varchar(500)) --- based on the iccid, get freesim data where ordersim_url is not null (orders coming from LP have ordersim_url == not null) insert into #tmp_lp_rpt (ordersim_url, nth_topup, first_login) select f.ordersim_url, j.nth_topup, j.first_login from #tmp_full_join j inner join freesim f(nolock) on j.iccid = f.iccid where f.ordersim_url is not null --- clean up drop table #tmp_full_join /* ****************** parse all ordersim_url into contract, source, country in #tmp_lp_rpt ****************** */ --- expected ordersim_url format: <unused string><source><contract><country><unused non-aplha><unused string> update t set t.[contract] = isnull(t2.[contract], '#N/A#'), t.[source] = isnull(t2.[source], '#N/A#'), = isnull( (select dbo.osr_parse_country( t.ordersim_url, t2.[source], t2.[contract])), '#N/A#') from #tmp_lp_rpt t left join (select s.[source] + c.[contract] s_c, [contract], [source] from osr_source s (nolock) cross join osr_contract c (nolock)) t2 --- expected ordersim_url format: <unused string><source><contract><unused string> on substring(t.ordersim_url, charindex(t2.s_c, t.ordersim_url), len(t2.s_c)) = t2.s_c --- log parsing failures insert into osr_contract_parsing_failure (create_date, ordersim_url) select getdate(), t.ordersim_url from (select distinct(ordersim_url) ordersim_url from #tmp_lp_rpt where [contract] = '#N/A#' or [source] = '#N/A#' or country = '#N/A#') t /* ****************** list all unique contract-source-country combination for looping and grouping ****************** */ create table #tmp_unique_contract (id int identity(1, 1), [contract] varchar(50), [source] varchar(25), country varchar(500)) insert into #tmp_unique_contract ([contract], [source], country) select distinct [contract], [source], country from #tmp_lp_rpt /* ****************** generate the final report ****************** */ --- delete existing record of the date delete from osr_dly_topup_rpt where rpt_date between @rpt_dateFrom AND @rpt_dateTo declare @curr_loop int, @max_loop int set @curr_loop = 1 select @max_loop = max(id) from #tmp_unique_contract while @curr_loop <= @max_loop begin declare @curr_contract varchar(50), @curr_source varchar(25), @curr_country varchar(500) select @curr_contract = [contract], @curr_source = [source], @curr_country = country from #tmp_unique_contract where id = @curr_loop --- insert the record with all topups and first login as 0 insert into osr_dly_topup_rpt (rpt_date, [contract], [source], country) values (@rpt_dateFrom,@rpt_dateTo @curr_contract, @curr_source, @curr_country) declare @curr_rpt_id bigint select @curr_rpt_id = scope_identity() --- update first login set @sql_cmd = 'update osr_dly_topup_rpt set first_login = ( select count(1) from #tmp_lp_rpt where [contract] = ''<@curr_contract>'' and [source] = ''<@curr_source>'' and country = ''<@curr_country>'' and first_login = 1) where id = <@curr_rpt_id>' set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_contract>', @curr_contract) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_source>', @curr_source) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_country>', @curr_country) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_rpt_id>', cast(@curr_rpt_id as varchar)) exec(@sql_cmd) declare @curr_nth int, @max_nth int set @curr_nth = 1 set @max_nth = 6 --- transpose nth topup into columns while @curr_nth <= @max_nth begin set @sql_cmd = 'update osr_dly_topup_rpt set topup<@nth> = ( select count(1) from #tmp_lp_rpt where [contract] = ''<@curr_contract>'' and [source] = ''<@curr_source>'' and country = ''<@curr_country>'' and nth_topup = <@nth>) where id = <@curr_rpt_id>' set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_contract>', @curr_contract) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_source>', @curr_source) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_country>', @curr_country) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@nth>', cast(@curr_nth as varchar)) set @sql_cmd = replace(@sql_cmd, '<@curr_rpt_id>', cast(@curr_rpt_id as varchar)) exec(@sql_cmd) set @curr_nth = @curr_nth + 1 end set @curr_loop = @curr_loop + 1 end --- clean up drop table #tmp_unique_contract drop table #tmp_lp_rpt end but im error in myquery(insert into osr_dly_topup_rpt (rpt_date, [contract], [source], country) values (@rpt_dateFrom,@rpt_dateTo @curr_contract, @curr_source, @curr_country) )thanks regard afri |