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13 Posts |
Posted - 2013-10-26 : 14:04:32
Hello,I need to create a report that returns all jobs in process (order header table), that have a particular process code (in the order process table), and that activity was either not clocked into (then there is no record of it in productionjob table) or it was clocked into but not completed (there is a record in production job table, and a completion code of cm010, if process complete then completion code is cm002).I created a sp that pulls all desired fields such as job number, cust name, and connected all these tables.A new line is added to production job table, every time someone completed a process listed in order process table, for that job.All clock in entries are stored in production table (for all jobs).I left joined productionjob table because a line will not be in the table if nobody clocked into the job.My problem is how I do not know how to supress records if the activity is complete.Please help! Thank you!Here is the sp:--declare--@StartDate VARCHAR(50),--@EndDate VARCHAR(50) -- , @PlantID varchar(15) -- set @StartDate='2013-10-01'-- set @EndDate='2013-10-31'-- set @PlantID='msi' SELECT distinct oh.jobnumber, oc.UserDefined1, oh.jobdescription, oh.custaccount, oh.custname, oh.duedate, oh.proofdate, oh.orderdate , oh.salesrepcode, oh.jobstatus, oh.userdefined5, oh.NoProofRequired, oh.EntryDate, oh.TotalSellPrice, Oh.OrderSellPrice, oc.ComponentType, oc.UserDefined1, oh.CSR, p.processcode, p.completioncode, complastactivity= (SELECT TOP 1 pr.DESCRIPTION FROM production p INNER JOIN productionjobnumber pjn ON p.code = pjn.productioncode LEFT JOIN process pr ON p.processcode = pr.processcode LEFT JOIN completioncode c ON c.completioncode = p.completioncode WHERE pjn.jobnumber = oh.jobnumber AND ( pjn.componentnumber =oc.componentnumber OR pjn.componentnumber = 0 ) ORDER BY p.startdate DESC, p.starttime DESC, p.code), lastactivity=(SELECT TOP 1 pr.DESCRIPTION FROM production p INNER JOIN productionjobnumber pjn ON p.code = pjn.productioncode LEFT JOIN process pr ON p.processcode = pr.processcode LEFT JOIN completioncode c ON c.completioncode = p.completioncode WHERE pjn.jobnumber = oh.jobnumber), orderquantity =(select SUM(OrderQtyTable.Quantity) FROM OrderQtyTable WHERE OrderQtyTable.JobNumber=oh.jobnumber and oc.qtyordindex = orderqtytable.quantitylineno) FROM orderheader oh inner JOIN ordercomponent oc ON oh.jobnumber = oc.jobnumber INNER JOIN orderqtytable ON oc.jobnumber = orderqtytable.jobnumber AND oc.componentnumber = orderqtytable.componentnumber AND oc.qtyordindex = orderqtytable.quantitylineno left JOIN ProductionJobNumber on ProductionJobNumber.JobNumber=oh.JobNumber left JOIN Process on Process.ProcessCode=ProductionJobNumber.ProductionCode inner join OrderProcess on OrderProcess.JobNumber=oh.JobNumber left join Production p on p.ProcessCode = Process.ProcessCode LEFT JOIN completioncode c ON c.completioncode = p.completioncode WHERE oh.PlantID=@PlantID and ( oh.DueDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, @EndDate) AND oh.DueDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, @StartDate) ) and oc.UserDefined1 not in ('Die Charges','Rush Charges','Setup Charges') and oc.Description not like '%FAI%' and Oc.UserDefined1 in ('S0 Shipments','KR Shipments') and oh.JobStatus ='in process' and OrderProcess.ProcessCode in (1105,1106,1120,1130,1140) and oc.ComponentPlanned=1 --and not(p.CompletionCode='cm002') order by oh.DueDate, oh.UserDefined5RJulia |