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Yak Posting Veteran
98 Posts |
Posted - 2014-03-17 : 14:57:11
Hello,Please help me to write sql statement to select the max figure of the year. For example: Please see below sample data, I like to choose final result in red color.Acct Fig1 Fig2 Year111222333 $11,073.76 $360,705.86 2011111222333 $8,724.48 2013111222333 $9,677.96 $315,241.07 2012I used this query, but result is correct for the figures, but giving the wrong acct, max(fig1) as fig1, max(fig2) as fig2, max(year) as yearfrom table1group by acctThanks, |
James K
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
3873 Posts |
Posted - 2014-03-17 : 15:38:07
Use the TOP clauseSELECT TOP(1) acct, fig1, fig2, yearFROM table1ORDER BY fig1 DESC |
Yak Posting Veteran
98 Posts |
Posted - 2014-03-18 : 07:25:25
Top clause is for certain # of row you want to select?It will work for single account (as example) . but there are multiple accounts that I need to select for highest fig, then it won't work ....quote: Originally posted by James K Use the TOP clauseSELECT TOP(1) acct, fig1, fig2, yearFROM table1ORDER BY fig1 DESC
Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2014-03-18 : 11:14:28
IF Object_id('tempdb..#tmp1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmp1select * into #tmp1 from (select '111222333' as account, 11073.76 as fig1, 360705.86 as fig2, '2011' as [year]union all select '111222333', 8724.48 , 0 , '2013'union all select '111222333' , 9677.96 , 315241.07, '2012' )b;with ws1as(select (Row_number() OVER(partition BY account ORDER BY (fig1+fig2) desc)) seq, Account, Fig1, Fig2, [Year] from #tmp1)select * from ws1 where seq=1 DROP TABLE #tmp1 |