Another approach would be to normalize the data by using UNPIVOT first.Something like:-- *** Test Data ***CREATE TABLE #t( Actual_Deb01 money NOT NULL ,Actual_Deb02 money NOT NULL ,Actual_Deb03 money NOT NULL)INSERT INTO #tVALUES (11, 12, 13) ,(21, 22, 23) ,(31, 32, 33);-- *** End Test Data ***WITH NormalizedAS( SELECT DebStr, Actual_Deb FROM ( SELECT Actual_Deb01, Actual_Deb02, Actual_Deb03 FROM #t ) S UNPIVOT ( Actual_Deb FOR DebStr IN ( Actual_Deb01, Actual_Deb02, Actual_Deb03 ) ) U)SELECT SUM(Actual_Deb) AS GLAmtFROM NormalizedWHERE DebStr = 'Actual_Deb02';