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Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-19 : 22:22:50
Hi Gurus,I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2. I've gotten below SQL script from Internet which is used to monitor SQL log shipping, see below:------------------------------USE [master]GObegin set nocount on DECLARE @Recipients varchar(275) DECLARE @Subject varchar(275) DECLARE @Body varchar(MAX) DECLARE @Server varchar(25) DECLARE @idx int, @Status varchar(25), @DB varchar(25), @LastCopy varchar(6), @LastCFile varchar(250), @LastRestore varchar(6), @LastRFile varchar(250), @Latency varchar(3), @Threshold varchar(3) declare @retcode int ,@primary_id uniqueidentifier ,@primary_server sysname ,@primary_database sysname ,@backup_threshold int ,@is_backup_alert_enabled bit ,@secondary_id uniqueidentifier ,@secondary_server sysname ,@secondary_database sysname ,@restore_threshold int ,@is_restore_alert_enabled bit ,@last_copied_file nvarchar(500) ,@last_copied_utc datetime ,@time_since_last_copy int ,@last_restored_file nvarchar(500) ,@last_restored_utc datetime ,@time_since_last_restore int ,@last_restored_latency int ,@prev_primary_server sysname ,@prev_primary_database sysname ,@monitor_server sysname ,@monitor_server_security_mode int ,@is_monitor_local bit ,@curutcdate datetime ,@linkcmd nvarchar(4000)SET @Recipients = ''SET @Body = ''SET @Server = @@SERVERNAMESET @Subject = @Server + ' :: Daily Transaction Log Shipping Status' SET @Body = '<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana"><b>' + @Server + ': </b></font><hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> ' create table #log_shipping_monitor ( idx int identity(1,1) ,status bit null ,is_primary bit not null default 0 ,server sysname ,database_name sysname ,is_backup_alert_enabled bit null ,time_since_last_copy int null ,last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null ,time_since_last_restore int null ,last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null ,last_restored_latency int null ,restore_threshold int null ,is_restore_alert_enabled bit null ,ts timestamp not null ,primary key (is_primary, server, database_name) ,unique (ts) ) -- -- create other tables we will use -- create table #secondary_monitor ( secondary_server sysname not null, secondary_database sysname not null, secondary_id uniqueidentifier not null, primary_server sysname not null, primary_database sysname not null, restore_threshold int not null, threshold_alert int not null, threshold_alert_enabled bit not null, last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null, last_copied_date datetime null, last_copied_date_utc datetime null, last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null, last_restored_date datetime null, last_restored_date_utc datetime null, last_restored_latency int null, history_retention_period int not null, primary key (secondary_id, secondary_database) ) create table #primary_monitor ( primary_id uniqueidentifier primary key not null, primary_server sysname not null, primary_database sysname not null, backup_threshold int not null, threshold_alert int not null, threshold_alert_enabled bit not null, last_backup_file nvarchar(500) null, last_backup_date datetime null, last_backup_date_utc datetime null, history_retention_period int not null, unique (primary_server, primary_database) ) -- -- get current time -- select @curutcdate = getutcdate() -- -- Enumerate the primary entries -- declare #hcprimaries cursor local fast_forward for select primary_id ,primary_server ,primary_database ,backup_threshold ,threshold_alert_enabled from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock) order by primary_server, primary_database open #hcprimaries fetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabled while (@@fetch_status != -1) begin -- -- we have a primary entry -- insert into #log_shipping_monitor ( status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,is_backup_alert_enabled) values ( 1 ,@primary_server ,@primary_database ,@backup_threshold ,@is_backup_alert_enabled) -- -- process secondaries -- if (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@@servername)) begin -- -- we are on primary server -- get monitor server information -- select @monitor_server = monitor_server ,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_mode from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases where primary_id = @primary_id select @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 end -- -- enumerate the secondaries listed on primary -- declare #hcprimarysecondaries cursor local fast_forward for select secondary_server, secondary_database from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_secondaries with (nolock) where primary_id = @primary_id open #hcprimarysecondaries fetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database while (@@fetch_status != -1) begin -- -- add this primary secondary to result set -- insert into #log_shipping_monitor (is_primary ,server, database_name) values (0, @secondary_server, @secondary_database) select @secondary_id = NULL -- -- Enumerate this secondary from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary -- if (@is_monitor_local = 1) begin -- -- local monitor -- select @secondary_id = secondary_id ,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold ,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled ,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file ,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc ,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file ,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc ,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latency from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary where primary_server = upper(@primary_server) and primary_database = @primary_database and secondary_server = upper(@secondary_server) and secondary_database = @secondary_database end -- local monitor else begin -- -- remote monitor -- if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01)) begin -- -- execute as proxy -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpsecondary @monitor_server = @monitor_server ,@p1 = @primary_server ,@p2 = @primary_database ,@p3 = @secondary_server ,@p4 = @secondary_database ,@p5 = @secondary_id output ,@p6 = @restore_threshold output ,@p7 = @is_restore_alert_enabled output ,@p8 = @last_copied_file output ,@p9 = @last_copied_utc output ,@p10 = @last_restored_file output ,@p11 = @last_restored_utc output ,@p12 = @last_restored_latency output end else begin delete #secondary_monitor select @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_secondary ' ,@retcode = 0 begin try insert into #secondary_monitor exec @retcode = @linkcmd @secondary_server = @secondary_server ,@secondary_database = @secondary_database end try begin catch select @retcode = 1 ,@secondary_id = NULL end catch if (@retcode = 0) begin select @secondary_id = secondary_id ,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold ,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled ,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file ,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc ,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file ,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc ,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latency from #secondary_monitor where upper(primary_server) = upper(@primary_server) and primary_database = @primary_database end else begin raiserror(32031, 10, 1, @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @monitor_server) end end end -- remote monitor -- -- do we have data on this secondary -- if (@secondary_id is not null) begin -- -- yes we do - update the entry -- select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate) ,@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate) update #log_shipping_monitor set status = case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end ,time_since_last_copy = @time_since_last_copy ,last_copied_file = @last_copied_file ,time_since_last_restore = @time_since_last_restore ,last_restored_file = @last_restored_file ,last_restored_latency = @last_restored_latency ,restore_threshold = @restore_threshold ,is_restore_alert_enabled = @is_restore_alert_enabled where upper(server) = upper(@secondary_server) and database_name = @secondary_database end -- update secondary data -- -- fetch next primary secondary -- fetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database end close #hcprimarysecondaries deallocate #hcprimarysecondaries end -- we are on primary server processing primaries else begin -- -- we are on monitor server -- get details of the secondaries from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary -- if the same monitor is being used by secondaries -- insert into #log_shipping_monitor ( status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,time_since_last_copy ,last_copied_file ,time_since_last_restore ,last_restored_file ,last_restored_latency ,restore_threshold ,is_restore_alert_enabled) select case when (datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate) > restore_threshold or last_restored_latency > restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end ,0 ,secondary_server ,secondary_database ,datediff(minute, last_copied_date_utc, @curutcdate) ,last_copied_file ,datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate) ,last_restored_file ,last_restored_latency ,restore_threshold ,threshold_alert_enabled from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary (nolock) where primary_server = upper(@primary_server) and primary_database = @primary_database end -- we are on monitor server processing primaries fetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabled end -- while cursor for hcprimaries close #hcprimaries deallocate #hcprimaries -- -- Enumerate the secondary entries -- minus existing secondary entries in resultset -- declare #hcsecondaries cursor local fast_forward for select secondary_server ,secondary_database ,secondary_id uniqueidentifier ,primary_server ,primary_database ,restore_threshold ,threshold_alert_enabled ,last_copied_file ,last_copied_date_utc ,last_restored_file ,last_restored_date_utc ,last_restored_latency from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary with (nolock) where not exists (select * from #log_shipping_monitor where upper(server) = upper(secondary_server) and database_name = secondary_database and is_primary = 0) order by primary_server, primary_database open #hcsecondaries fetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled, @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latency while (@@fetch_status != -1) begin -- -- Have we processed the primary for this secondary -- if not (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@prev_primary_server) and @primary_database = @prev_primary_database) begin -- -- No - Try to get the details of this primary -- select @primary_id = null if (upper(@secondary_server) = upper(@@servername)) begin -- -- we are on secondary -- get monitor server information -- select @monitor_server = monitor_server ,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_mode from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary with (nolock) where secondary_id = @secondary_id select @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 end if (@is_monitor_local = 1) begin -- -- local monitor -- select @primary_id = primary_id ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock) where primary_server = upper(@primary_server) and primary_database = @primary_database end else begin -- -- remote monitor -- if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01)) begin -- -- execute as proxy -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpprimary @monitor_server = @monitor_server ,@p1 = @primary_server ,@p2 = @primary_database ,@p3 = @primary_id output ,@p4 = @backup_threshold output ,@p5 = @is_backup_alert_enabled output end else begin delete #primary_monitor select @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_primary ' ,@retcode = 0 begin try insert into #primary_monitor exec @retcode = @linkcmd @primary_server = @primary_server ,@primary_database = @primary_database end try begin catch select @retcode = 1 ,@primary_id = NULL end catch if (@retcode = 0) begin select @primary_id = primary_id ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled from #primary_monitor end else begin raiserror(32030, 10, 1, @primary_server, @primary_database, @monitor_server) end end -- processing remote end end -- processing on secondary else begin -- -- we are on monitor server -- select @primary_id = primary_id ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock) where primary_server = upper(@primary_server) and primary_database = @primary_database end -- processing on monitor server -- -- insert primary details if available -- if (@primary_id is not null) begin select @prev_primary_server = @primary_server ,@prev_primary_database = @primary_database insert into #log_shipping_monitor ( status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,is_backup_alert_enabled) values ( 1 ,@primary_server ,@primary_database ,@backup_threshold ,@is_backup_alert_enabled) end -- primary data available end -- process the primary -- -- Insert the secondary -- select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate) ,@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate) insert into #log_shipping_monitor ( status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,time_since_last_copy ,last_copied_file ,time_since_last_restore ,last_restored_file ,last_restored_latency ,restore_threshold ,is_restore_alert_enabled) values ( case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end ,0 ,@secondary_server ,@secondary_database ,@time_since_last_copy ,@last_copied_file ,@time_since_last_restore ,@last_restored_file ,@last_restored_latency ,@restore_threshold ,@is_restore_alert_enabled) -- -- get the next secondary -- fetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled, @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latency end -- while cursor for hcsecondaries close #hcsecondaries deallocate #hcsecondaries -- -- return resultset --SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">' WHILE EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 idx FROM #log_shipping_monitor) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @idx = idx, @Status = (CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 'Good' ELSE 'Bad' END), @DB = database_name, @LastCopy = time_since_last_copy, @LastCFile = last_copied_file, @LastRestore = time_since_last_restore, @LastRFile = last_restored_file, @Latency = last_restored_latency, @Threshold = restore_threshold FROM #log_shipping_monitor order by ts SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<tr><td nowrap style="font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana">' + '<b>Database</b>:' + RTRIM(@DB) + '' + CASE WHEN @Status = 'Good' THEN '<b>Status</b>:' + RTRIM(@Status) + '' ELSE '<b>Status</b>:<font size="+1" color="red">' + RTRIM(@Status) + '</font>' END + '<b>Last Copied File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCFile) + '' + '<b>Time since last Copy (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCopy) + '' + '<b>Last Restored File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRFile) + '' + '<b>Time since last Restore (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRestore) + '' + '<b>Restore Latency (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Latency) + '' + '<b>Restore Threshold (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Threshold) + '' + '</td></tr>' + '<hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> ' DELETE FROM #log_shipping_monitor WHERE idx = @idx ENDSET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '</table>' EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients ,@subject = @Subject ,@body = @Body ,@body_format = 'HTML'endDROP Table #log_shipping_monitorDROP TABLE #primary_monitorDROP TABLE #secondary_monitor------------------------------I've run this script on my secondary database and it works OK.However, when I tried to run in on a another separated system which has a seconday database, it's giving some errors as shown below:Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 127Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'DBCLUSTER' to data type bit.Appreciate if you could help to fix the error.Thank you.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 07:47:41
It looks like your problem is as shown below in red. Your temp table has the "is_primary" column defined as a bit but you are attempting to set it to the "@primary_server" value which is defined as sysname. -- -- we have a primary entry -- insert into #log_shipping_monitor ( status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,is_backup_alert_enabled) values ( 1 ,@primary_server ,@primary_database ,@backup_threshold ,@is_backup_alert_enabled) |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 09:16:58
Hi mandm,Thank you for your reply and help.Yes, I think you've spotted the problem.The question is, how should it be fixed?Appreciate for your help.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 09:28:42
Well there are a lot of ways to fix it but without analyzing the whole script probably the quickest and safest would be as follows.1) Declare new variable @is_primary bit2) Before the insert statement set the new variable SELECT @is_primary = CASE WHEN @primary_server IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END 3) Replace the @primary_server in the values with the new @is_primary variable. |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 09:46:37
Hi mandm,Thank you for your reply and help.I've tried to follow you suggestion, but ended up with some errors.I don't have much experiences in dealing with SQL queries.Could you help to amend to codes that I've posted earlier?Thanks so much.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 09:50:56
Sure. Give me a minute. |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 09:58:19
I have grabbed the two relevant sections and posted the changes in red. See if this does it.DECLARE @idx int, @Status varchar(25), @DB varchar(25), @LastCopy varchar(6), @LastCFile varchar(250), @LastRestore varchar(6), @LastRFile varchar(250), @Latency varchar(3), @Threshold varchar(3) declare @retcode int ,@primary_id uniqueidentifier ,@primary_server sysname ,@primary_database sysname ,@backup_threshold int ,@is_backup_alert_enabled bit ,@secondary_id uniqueidentifier ,@secondary_server sysname ,@secondary_database sysname ,@restore_threshold int ,@is_restore_alert_enabled bit ,@last_copied_file nvarchar(500) ,@last_copied_utc datetime ,@time_since_last_copy int ,@last_restored_file nvarchar(500) ,@last_restored_utc datetime ,@time_since_last_restore int ,@last_restored_latency int ,@prev_primary_server sysname ,@prev_primary_database sysname ,@monitor_server sysname ,@monitor_server_security_mode int ,@is_monitor_local bit ,@curutcdate datetime ,@linkcmd nvarchar(4000) ,@is_primary bit -- -- we have a primary entry -- SELECT @is_primary = CASE WHEN @primary_server IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END insert into #log_shipping_monitor ( status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,is_backup_alert_enabled) values ( 1 ,@is_primary ,@primary_database ,@backup_threshold ,@is_backup_alert_enabled) |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 21:24:27
Hi mandm,Thank you for your reply and help.Had tested and it's working OK. No errors anymore. Great work ... so happy :) Thanks so much.However, when I checked my inbox, it's sending an empty email. It should have some information something like below.Database:PETStatus:GoodLast Copied File:H:\BAK\PET_20150121020001.trnTime since last Copy (min):12Last Restored File:H:\BAK\PET_20150120230001.trnTime since last Restore (min):12Restore Latency (min):180Restore Threshold (min):180Appreciate for your help.Thanks.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-20 : 22:33:21
I'm glad the fix took care of the error.Is the email empty from both servers or just the one? I'm assuming the empty email is something new right? |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 01:10:21
Hi mandm,Thank you for your reply and help.I've checked again and confirmed the issue is only coming from the "2nd" secondary server, the one with the data type error mentioned earlier. Email is sent and received, but empty.I've used the same script modified as per your update and it's working OK on the other secondary db (the "1st" secondary db). Email is sent and received, but it's not empty.Could you help?Thanks.- Peter |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 05:16:48
Hi mandm,Any idea on how to fix the issue?Thanks for your help.- Peter |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 05:38:21
Hi mandm,For your info, here are the errors after execution.Msg 110, Level 15, State 1, Line 142There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.Thanks.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 06:05:16
I'm taking a look now. |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 06:08:20
Can you post the current script now that we've made changes? That will make the line references match up to what you're seeing. |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 09:06:38
USE [master]GObeginset nocount onDECLARE @Recipients varchar(275)DECLARE @Subject varchar(275)DECLARE @Body varchar(MAX)DECLARE @Server varchar(25) DECLARE @idx int, @Status varchar(25), @DB varchar(25), @LastCopy varchar(6), @LastCFile varchar(250),@LastRestore varchar(6), @LastRFile varchar(250), @Latency varchar(3), @Threshold varchar(3)declare @retcode int,@primary_id uniqueidentifier,@primary_server sysname,@primary_database sysname,@backup_threshold int,@is_backup_alert_enabled bit,@secondary_id uniqueidentifier,@secondary_server sysname,@secondary_database sysname,@restore_threshold int,@is_restore_alert_enabled bit,@last_copied_file nvarchar(500),@last_copied_utc datetime,@time_since_last_copy int,@last_restored_file nvarchar(500),@last_restored_utc datetime,@time_since_last_restore int,@last_restored_latency int,@prev_primary_server sysname,@prev_primary_database sysname,@monitor_server sysname,@monitor_server_security_mode int,@is_monitor_local bit,@curutcdate datetime,@linkcmd nvarchar(4000),@is_primary bitSET @Recipients = ''SET @Body = ''SET @Server = @@SERVERNAMESET @Subject = @Server + ' :: Daily Transaction Log Shipping Status' SET @Body = '<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana"><b>' + @Server + ': </b></font><hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> ' create table #log_shipping_monitor(idx int identity(1,1),status bit null,is_primary bit not null default 0,server sysname ,database_name sysname,is_backup_alert_enabled bit null,time_since_last_copy int null,last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null,time_since_last_restore int null,last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null,last_restored_latency int null,restore_threshold int null,is_restore_alert_enabled bit null,ts timestamp not null,primary key (is_primary, server, database_name),unique (ts))---- create other tables we will use--create table #secondary_monitor(secondary_server sysname not null,secondary_database sysname not null,secondary_id uniqueidentifier not null,primary_server sysname not null,primary_database sysname not null,restore_threshold int not null, threshold_alert int not null, threshold_alert_enabled bit not null, last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null, last_copied_date datetime null, last_copied_date_utc datetime null, last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null, last_restored_date datetime null, last_restored_date_utc datetime null, last_restored_latency int null, history_retention_period int not null, primary key (secondary_id, secondary_database))create table #primary_monitor (primary_id uniqueidentifier primary key not null,primary_server sysname not null,primary_database sysname not null,backup_threshold int not null, threshold_alert int not null, threshold_alert_enabled bit not null, last_backup_file nvarchar(500) null, last_backup_date datetime null, last_backup_date_utc datetime null, history_retention_period int not null,unique (primary_server, primary_database))---- get current time--select @curutcdate = getutcdate()---- Enumerate the primary entries--declare #hcprimaries cursor local fast_forward forselect primary_id,primary_server ,primary_database ,backup_threshold ,threshold_alert_enabledfrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)order by primary_server, primary_databaseopen #hcprimariesfetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabledwhile (@@fetch_status != -1)begin---- we have a primary entry--SELECT @is_primary = CASE WHEN @primary_server IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1ENDinsert into #log_shipping_monitor (status,is_primary,server,database_name,is_backup_alert_enabled)values (1,@is_primary,@primary_database,@backup_threshold,@is_backup_alert_enabled)---- process secondaries--if (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@@servername))begin---- we are on primary server-- get monitor server information--select @monitor_server = monitor_server,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_modefrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databaseswhere primary_id = @primary_idselect @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 end---- enumerate the secondaries listed on primary--declare #hcprimarysecondaries cursor local fast_forward forselect secondary_server, secondary_databasefrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_secondaries with (nolock)where primary_id = @primary_idopen #hcprimarysecondariesfetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_databasewhile (@@fetch_status != -1)begin---- add this primary secondary to result set--insert into #log_shipping_monitor (is_primary ,server, database_name)values (0, @secondary_server, @secondary_database)select @secondary_id = NULL---- Enumerate this secondary from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary--if (@is_monitor_local = 1)begin---- local monitor--select @secondary_id = secondary_id,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latencyfrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondarywhere primary_server = upper(@primary_server)and primary_database = @primary_databaseand secondary_server = upper(@secondary_server)and secondary_database = @secondary_databaseend -- local monitorelsebegin---- remote monitor--if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01))begin---- execute as proxy--exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpsecondary@monitor_server = @monitor_server,@p1 = @primary_server,@p2 = @primary_database,@p3 = @secondary_server,@p4 = @secondary_database,@p5 = @secondary_id output,@p6 = @restore_threshold output,@p7 = @is_restore_alert_enabled output,@p8 = @last_copied_file output,@p9 = @last_copied_utc output,@p10 = @last_restored_file output,@p11 = @last_restored_utc output,@p12 = @last_restored_latency output endelsebegindelete #secondary_monitorselect @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_secondary ',@retcode = 0begin tryinsert into #secondary_monitorexec @retcode = @linkcmd @secondary_server = @secondary_server,@secondary_database = @secondary_databaseend trybegin catchselect @retcode = 1,@secondary_id = NULLend catchif (@retcode = 0)beginselect @secondary_id = secondary_id,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latency from #secondary_monitorwhere upper(primary_server) = upper(@primary_server)and primary_database = @primary_databaseendelsebeginraiserror(32031, 10, 1, @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @monitor_server)endendend -- remote monitor---- do we have data on this secondary--if (@secondary_id is not null)begin---- yes we do - update the entry--select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate),@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate)update #log_shipping_monitorsetstatus = case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end,time_since_last_copy = @time_since_last_copy,last_copied_file = @last_copied_file,time_since_last_restore = @time_since_last_restore,last_restored_file = @last_restored_file,last_restored_latency = @last_restored_latency,restore_threshold = @restore_threshold,is_restore_alert_enabled = @is_restore_alert_enabledwhere upper(server) = upper(@secondary_server)and database_name = @secondary_databaseend -- update secondary data---- fetch next primary secondary--fetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_databaseendclose #hcprimarysecondariesdeallocate #hcprimarysecondariesend -- we are on primary server processing primarieselsebegin---- we are on monitor server-- get details of the secondaries from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary-- if the same monitor is being used by secondaries--insert into #log_shipping_monitor (status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,time_since_last_copy ,last_copied_file ,time_since_last_restore ,last_restored_file ,last_restored_latency ,restore_threshold ,is_restore_alert_enabled)select case when (datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate) > restore_thresholdor last_restored_latency > restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end,0,secondary_server,secondary_database,datediff(minute, last_copied_date_utc, @curutcdate),last_copied_file,datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate),last_restored_file,last_restored_latency,restore_threshold,threshold_alert_enabledfrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary (nolock)where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)and primary_database = @primary_databaseend -- we are on monitor server processing primariesfetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabledend -- while cursor for hcprimariesclose #hcprimariesdeallocate #hcprimaries---- Enumerate the secondary entries-- minus existing secondary entries in resultset--declare #hcsecondaries cursor local fast_forward forselect secondary_server,secondary_database,secondary_id uniqueidentifier,primary_server,primary_database,restore_threshold,threshold_alert_enabled,last_copied_file,last_copied_date_utc,last_restored_file,last_restored_date_utc,last_restored_latencyfrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary with (nolock) where not exists (select * from #log_shipping_monitorwhere upper(server) = upper(secondary_server)and database_name = secondary_databaseand is_primary = 0)order by primary_server, primary_databaseopen #hcsecondariesfetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id,@primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled, @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latencywhile (@@fetch_status != -1)begin---- Have we processed the primary for this secondary--if not (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@prev_primary_server)and @primary_database = @prev_primary_database)begin---- No - Try to get the details of this primary--select @primary_id = nullif (upper(@secondary_server) = upper(@@servername))begin---- we are on secondary-- get monitor server information--select @monitor_server = monitor_server,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_modefrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary with (nolock)where secondary_id = @secondary_idselect @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 endif (@is_monitor_local = 1)begin---- local monitor--select @primary_id = primary_id,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabledfrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)and primary_database = @primary_databaseendelsebegin---- remote monitor--if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01))begin---- execute as proxy--exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpprimary@monitor_server = @monitor_server,@p1 = @primary_server,@p2 = @primary_database,@p3 = @primary_id output,@p4 = @backup_threshold output,@p5 = @is_backup_alert_enabled outputendelsebegindelete #primary_monitorselect @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_primary ',@retcode = 0begin tryinsert into #primary_monitorexec @retcode = @linkcmd @primary_server = @primary_server,@primary_database = @primary_databaseend trybegin catchselect @retcode = 1,@primary_id = NULLend catchif (@retcode = 0)beginselect @primary_id = primary_id,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabledfrom #primary_monitorendelsebeginraiserror(32030, 10, 1, @primary_server, @primary_database, @monitor_server)endend -- processing remoteendend -- processing on secondaryelsebegin---- we are on monitor server--select @primary_id = primary_id,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabledfrom msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)and primary_database = @primary_databaseend -- processing on monitor server---- insert primary details if available--if (@primary_id is not null)beginselect @prev_primary_server = @primary_server,@prev_primary_database = @primary_databaseinsert into #log_shipping_monitor (status,is_primary,server,database_name,is_backup_alert_enabled)values (1,@primary_server,@primary_database,@backup_threshold,@is_backup_alert_enabled)end -- primary data availableend -- process the primary---- Insert the secondary--select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate),@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate)insert into #log_shipping_monitor (status ,is_primary ,server ,database_name ,time_since_last_copy ,last_copied_file ,time_since_last_restore ,last_restored_file ,last_restored_latency ,restore_threshold ,is_restore_alert_enabled)values (case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end,0,@secondary_server,@secondary_database,@time_since_last_copy,@last_copied_file,@time_since_last_restore,@last_restored_file,@last_restored_latency,@restore_threshold,@is_restore_alert_enabled)---- get the next secondary--fetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id,@primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled, @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latencyend -- while cursor for hcsecondariesclose #hcsecondariesdeallocate #hcsecondaries---- return resultset--SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'WHILE EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 idx FROM #log_shipping_monitor)BEGINSELECT TOP 1 @idx = idx, @Status = (CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 'Good' ELSE 'Bad' END),@DB = database_name, @LastCopy = time_since_last_copy, @LastCFile = last_copied_file,@LastRestore = time_since_last_restore, @LastRFile = last_restored_file,@Latency = last_restored_latency, @Threshold = restore_threshold FROM #log_shipping_monitor order by tsSET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<tr><td nowrap style="font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana">'+ '<b>Database</b>:' + RTRIM(@DB) + ''+ CASE WHEN @Status = 'Good' THEN'<b>Status</b>:' + RTRIM(@Status) + ''ELSE '<b>Status</b>:<font size="+1" color="red">' + RTRIM(@Status) + '</font>' END + '<b>Last Copied File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCFile) + ''+ '<b>Time since last Copy (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCopy) + ''+ '<b>Last Restored File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRFile) + ''+ '<b>Time since last Restore (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRestore) + ''+ '<b>Restore Latency (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Latency) + ''+ '<b>Restore Threshold (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Threshold) + ''+ '</td></tr>'+ '<hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> ' DELETE FROM #log_shipping_monitor WHERE idx = @idxENDSET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '</table>'EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients ,@subject = @Subject,@body = @Body,@body_format = 'HTML'ENDDROP Table #log_shipping_monitorDROP TABLE #primary_monitorDROP TABLE #secondary_monitor |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 09:11:43
Hi mandm,Thanks for your reply.I've posted our entire script that I've tested, no more erros, but it does not produce any content when it's sent out.Please ignore below error message which I've posted earlier. Msg 110, Level 15, State 1, Line 142I was experimenting with some codes and realized it's not related to our changes.Hope you can help.Thanks.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 09:49:09
Do a select out of the #log_shipping_monitor right before the email section (starting at or around line 518) as shown below in red. My guess is that one or more of the values used in the email body (@Body variable) are NULL in the temp table. Please post back the results of the SELECT.SELECT * FROM #log_shipping_monitor---- return resultset--SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'WHILE EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 idx FROM #log_shipping_monitor)BEGINSELECT TOP 1 @idx = idx, @Status = (CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 'Good' ELSE 'Bad' END),@DB = database_name, @LastCopy = time_since_last_copy, @LastCFile = last_copied_file,@LastRestore = time_since_last_restore, @LastRFile = last_restored_file,@Latency = last_restored_latency, @Threshold = restore_threshold FROM #log_shipping_monitor order by tsSET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<tr><td nowrap style="font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana">'+ '<b>Database</b>:' + RTRIM(@DB) + ''+ CASE WHEN @Status = 'Good' THEN'<b>Status</b>:' + RTRIM(@Status) + ''ELSE '<b>Status</b>:<font size="+1" color="red">' + RTRIM(@Status) + '</font>' END + '<b>Last Copied File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCFile) + ''+ '<b>Time since last Copy (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCopy) + ''+ '<b>Last Restored File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRFile) + ''+ '<b>Time since last Restore (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRestore) + ''+ '<b>Restore Latency (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Latency) + ''+ '<b>Restore Threshold (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Threshold) + ''+ '</td></tr>'+ '<hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> ' DELETE FROM #log_shipping_monitor WHERE idx = @idxENDSET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '</table>'EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients ,@subject = @Subject,@body = @Body,@body_format = 'HTML'ENDDROP Table #log_shipping_monitorDROP TABLE #primary_monitorDROP TABLE #secondary_monitor |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 20:42:36
Hi mandm,Thanks for your reply.I've tried below query, but it returned with some errors:SELECT * FROM #log_shipping_monitorErrors:Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 1Invalid object name '#log_shipping_monitor'.I've tried to comment out the last 3 lines of "DROP" commands, but it still does not work.How to extract the result in a proper method?Thanks.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-21 : 22:49:05
And you put the command before the email section like I posted? If it's in the the right spot and spelled right the next code section does the same command with a TOP 1 so it should be a valid object. |
Starting Member
27 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-22 : 00:49:27
Hi mandm,Thanks for your reply.Yep, got it now. The output is quite long, thus I've typed them manually below and break them into sections.idx status is_primary server database_name1 0 0 PET-Database PETis_backup_alert_enabled time_since_last_copy last_copied_fileNULL 6 D:\bak\PET_20150122053000.trntime_since_last_restore last_restored_file last_restored_latency6 D:\bak\PET_20150122023000.trn 180 last_restored_latency restore_threshold180 180is_restore_alert_enabled ts1 0x00000000000007F8I've arranged them nicely in notepad, but it behaves differently when pasted here and preview.Anyway, hope they can be used.- Peter |
Posting Yak Master
120 Posts |
Posted - 2015-01-22 : 04:29:24
Was this run on the server that sends the blank email? In looking at your results it looks like it wasn't because your is_primary = 0 but the code we added should have made it 1. idx status is_primary server database_name1 0 0 PET-Database PET If this was run on the server with the issue then we need to look at the @Body variable before the email is sent by selecting that as shown below in red.SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '</table>'SELECT @BodyEXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients ,@subject = @Subject,@body = @Body,@body_format = 'HTML' The trick for maintaining formatting when you paste code or results is to add the keywords code before it and /code after it and wrap each of them in square brackets (i.e. [keyword] and [/keyword]). |
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