I need help with my query. This table has 144 million rows and this is a stage table ( where we insert data from another table). I didn't have indexes before and the job had been running for more than 9 hours. I added the non clustered index to this table with multiple columns ( AdvertiserName,MediaPlanName,MediaPlanNumber, CreativeDescription) because this combination makes it unique. But even now execution plan shows Table Scan and not non-clustered index scan and no improvement with performance.This is the query below, and it is taking very long time to summarize data into csv file using SSIS. How can I improve performance on this query? Please help!! It is taking very long time to run. :(SELECT AdvertiserName, AdvertiserID, MediaPlanNumber, MediaPlanName, PublishingSiteName, SiteName, Week_Begin_Monday, CreativeDescription, SUM(CAST(ViewCount AS BIGINT)) ViewCount, SUM(CAST(ClickCount AS BIGINT)) ClickCount, Media, Segment_Name, Segment_CD, Group_Name, Group_CD, Channel, LOB, Creative_Message, Creative_Category, Creative_Type, SUM(GRP) GRP, Intended_Delivery_ScreenFROM Stage_MM240(NOLOCK)GROUP BY AdvertiserName, AdvertiserID, MediaPlanNumber, MediaPlanName, PublishingSiteName, SiteName, Week_Begin_Monday, CreativeDescription, Media, Segment_Name, Segment_CD, Group_Name, Group_CD, Channel, LOB, Creative_Message, Creative_Category, Creative_Type, Intended_Delivery_Screen