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Constraint Violating Yak Guru
290 Posts |
Posted - 2003-07-28 : 21:04:01
Here goes a script I use to restore my databases1) Place the Backup files all in the same dir; 2) Update the line set @dirCont=, to point to your dir;3) If you're going to apply logs or diferential, then drop the RECOVERY from the set @Script;4) The script will generate the restore strings for you. Remarks:It uses a dumb check for dir and file existance. You can change it. I'm too lazy to make it now, because its working good.Also, it uses... NR dont stone me... CURSORS (shame on me!!!!!).And we have a pattern in which all db backup file name uses "_db_" and log uses "_trn_"/*Script To Restore with Recovery and moveAuthor - Sergio Monteiro*/set nocount ondeclare @yes tinyintdeclare @File_name nvarchar(260)declare @csr Cursordeclare @command nvarchar(256)declare @Script nvarchar(1000)declare @cFile_Name nvarchar(260)declare @dirConst nvarchar(60)declare @strConst nvarchar(80)create table #Files( coutput nvarchar(2000))create table #Dirs( coutput nvarchar(2000))set @dirConst= 'G:\Restore_Intranet\'set @strConst= 'dir ' + @dirConst + '*.bak'/*-------------------------------------------------------------- Obtem do sistema operacional todos os arquivos de backup utilizando xp_cmdshell (Permissao necessaria)---------------------------------------------------------------*/insert into #Files execute xp_cmdshell @strConst/*------------------------------------------------------------- retira o cabecalho do MSDOS-------------------------------------------------------------*/delete #files from (Select top 5 * from #Files) as b where #files.coutput=b.coutput/*------------------------------------------------------------- precisamos apenas do nome do arquivo, de modo que retiramos as informacoes desnecessarias---------------------------------------------------------------*/update #files set coutput = rtrim(ltrim(right(coutput, Charindex(char(32), reverse(rtrim(coutput))))))set @csr = Cursor static for select coutput from #Files where coutput is not null and (coutput not like '%bytes%' and coutput not like '%free%') order by 1open @csrfetch next from @csr into @File_name while (@@Fetch_status=0) begin set @cFile_Name = @File_name set @File_name = left(@file_name, charindex('_db', @file_name)-1) /*---------------------------------------- Verifica se o banco de dados ja existe. -----------------------------------------*/-- if exists(select name from sysdatabases where name = @file_name) -- set @file_name = @file_name + '_renamed' /*---------------------------------------- Verifica se os diretorios de destino ja existem. Se nao, cria Nota - Pode-se usar a procedure xp_fileexist no lugar do processo abaixo. ------------------------------------------*/ --Dados truncate table #dirs set @command = 'dir F:\' + @file_name + '\*.*' insert into #dirs execute xp_cmdshell @command select @yes = count(*) from #dirs where coutput like '%The system cannot find%' if @yes = 1 begin set @command = 'mkdir F:\' + @File_name + '\' execute xp_cmdshell @command end --Transaction Log truncate table #dirs set @command = 'dir H:\' + @File_Name + '\*.*' insert into #dirs execute xp_cmdshell @command select @yes = count(*) from #dirs where coutput like '%The system cannot find%' if @yes = 1 begin set @command = 'mkdir H:\' + @File_name + '\' execute xp_cmdshell @command end /************************************************* Monta o script de Restore para o DB *************************************************/ set @Script = 'RESTORE DATABASE ' + @file_name + ' FROM DISK=''' + @dirConst + @cFILE_NAME + '''' + char(13) + ' WITH RECOVERY,' + char(13) + ' MOVE ''' + @file_name + '_data'' to ''F:\' + @file_name + '\' + @File_name + '_data.mdf'',' + char(13) + ' MOVE ''' + @file_name + '_log'' to ''H:\' + @file_name + '\' + @File_name + '_log.ldf'',' + char(13) + ' REPLACE' select @Script --execute @Script fetch next from @csr into @File_name endclose @csrdeallocate @csrdrop table #Filesdrop table #dirsset nocount offSérgio |