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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-08 : 16:56:42
This is for you Kristen!!Instrucions!-- Change current db (in blue)-- Change source table (in red)-- Change sample rows (in red)-- run to generate insert statementsUse northwindDeclare @dbName varchar(100), @tableName varchar(100), @seedCnt int Set @tableName = 'customers'Set @seedCnt = 50Declare @execStr varchar(8000)--If there is an image column in the specified table, display warningif exists(Select * From Information_Schema.columns Where table_Name = @tablename and data_type='image') Select 'Image Type not supported'--If there is an ntext column in the specified table, display warningif exists(Select * From Information_Schema.columns Where table_Name = @tablename and data_type='ntext') Select 'nText Type not supported'--build column translations Select @execStr = isnull(@execStr + ' +' + char(13) + char(10),'') + case when data_type in ('uniqueidentifier') then char(9) + '''' + column_name + '='' + isnull('''''''' + convert(varchar(50),' + column_Name + ') + '''''''',''null'') + '', ''' when data_type in ('char','nchar','varchar', 'nvarchar') then char(9) + '''' + column_name + '='' + isnull('''''''' + replace(' + column_Name + ','''''''','''''''''''') + '''''''',''null'') + '', ''' when data_type in ('datetime') then char(9) + '''' + column_name + '='' + isnull('''''''' + convert(varchar,' + column_Name + ',121) + '''''''',''null'') + '', ''' when data_type in ('int','float','decimal','money','bit','smallint','real','bigint') then char(9) + '''' + column_name + '='' + isnull(convert(varchar,' + column_Name + '),''null'') + '', ''' end From Information_Schema.columns Where table_Name = @tablename and data_type not in ('image','ntext') -- and Ordinal_Position<=1 --Select @execStr Select @execStr=left(@execStr,len(@execStr)-4) + '''''' Select @execStr = 'Select top ' + convert(varchar,@seedCnt) + char(13) + char(10) + '''Insert Into #' + replace(@tableName,' ','') + ' Select '' + ' + char(13) + char(10) + @execStr + char(13) + char(10) + 'from [' + @tableName + ']' --Select @execStr Exec(@execStr) viola!CoreyCo-worker on The Wizard of Oz "...those three midgets that came out and danced, the freaked me out when I was little. But they are ok now." |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 01:01:31
Well Done CoreyYours is neat and simpleMadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 02:37:21
"This is for you Kristen!!"Looks good!I made some changes:Added some data type missing (tinyint, smallmoney etc.)CASE statement didn't fail safe (generated NULL which meant that only last remaining columns output!)Columns in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS return nvarchar, which meant the CASE statement coersced to Nvarchar, and thus only 4000 characters could be concatenated. Cast that to varchar instead (which might not be a good idea, but I don't have any chinese column names!)Added mechanics for tables with lots of columns - it should be able to handle around 600 columnsChanged column / table names for case sensitive databaseUSE NorthwindGODECLARE @tableName varchar(100), @seedCnt int SET @tableName = 'customers'SET @seedCnt = 50DECLARE @execStr0 varchar(8000), @execStr1 varchar(8000), @execStr2 varchar(8000), @execStr3 varchar(8000), @execStr4 varchar(8000), @execStr5 varchar(8000), @execStr6 varchar(8000), @execStr7 varchar(8000), @execStr8 varchar(8000), @execStr9 varchar(8000)-- Display warning for unsupported typesIF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @tablename AND DATA_TYPE NOT IN ('uniqueidentifier', 'char', 'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar', 'sysname', 'datetime', 'tinyint', 'int', 'float', 'numeric', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'money', 'bit', 'smallint', 'real', 'bigint'))BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT DATA_TYPE + ' Type not supported' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @tablename AND DATA_TYPE NOT IN ('uniqueidentifier', 'char', 'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar', 'sysname', 'datetime', 'tinyint', 'int', 'float', 'numeric', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'money', 'bit', 'smallint', 'real', 'bigint')END-- Build column translationsSELECT @execStr1 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN @execStr2 ELSE @execStr1 END, @execStr2 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN @execStr3 ELSE @execStr2 END, @execStr3 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN @execStr4 ELSE @execStr3 END, @execStr4 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN @execStr5 ELSE @execStr4 END, @execStr5 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN @execStr6 ELSE @execStr5 END, @execStr6 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN @execStr7 ELSE @execStr6 END, @execStr7 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN @execStr8 ELSE @execStr7 END, @execStr8 = CASE WHEN LEN(@execStr8) > 7500 THEN NULL ELSE @execStr8 END, @execStr8 = IsNull(@execStr8 + ' +' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10),'') + CONVERT(varchar(8000), CASE WHEN DATA_TYPE IN ('uniqueidentifier') THEN CHAR(9) + '''' + COLUMN_NAME + '=''+IsNull('''''''' + CONVERT(varchar(50),' + COLUMN_NAME + ') + '''''''',''null'')+'', ''' WHEN DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar', 'sysname') THEN CHAR(9) + '''' + COLUMN_NAME + '=''+IsNull('''''''' + REPLACE(' + COLUMN_NAME + ','''''''','''''''''''') + '''''''',''null'')+'', ''' WHEN DATA_TYPE IN ('datetime') THEN CHAR(9) + '''' + COLUMN_NAME + '=''+IsNull('''''''' + CONVERT(varchar,' + COLUMN_NAME + ',121)+'''''''',''null'') + '', ''' WHEN DATA_TYPE IN ('tinyint', 'int', 'float', 'numeric', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'money', 'bit', 'smallint', 'real', 'bigint') THEN CHAR(9) + '''' + COLUMN_NAME + '=''+IsNull(CONVERT(varchar,' + COLUMN_NAME + '),''null'')+'', ''' ELSE ' ** DATA TYPE ' + DATA_TYPE + ' NOT SUPPORTED **' END)FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNSWHERE TABLE_NAME = @tablename AND DATA_TYPE IN ('uniqueidentifier', 'char', 'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar', 'sysname', 'datetime', 'tinyint', 'int', 'float', 'numeric', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'money', 'bit', 'smallint', 'real', 'bigint')ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITIONSELECT @execStr0 = 'Select top ' + CONVERT(varchar, @seedCnt) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + '''Insert Into #' + REPLACE(@tableName,' ','') + ' Select '' + ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)SELECT @execStr1 = IsNull(@execStr1+', ', '')SELECT @execStr2 = IsNull(@execStr2+', ', '')SELECT @execStr3 = IsNull(@execStr3+', ', '')SELECT @execStr4 = IsNull(@execStr4+', ', '')SELECT @execStr5 = IsNull(@execStr5+', ', '')SELECT @execStr6 = IsNull(@execStr6+', ', '')SELECT @execStr7 = IsNull(@execStr7+', ', '')SELECT @execStr8 = left(@execStr8, len(@execStr8)-4) + ''''''SELECT @execStr9 = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'from [' + @tableName + ']'-- Comment in for Debug-- Select @execStr0, @execStr1, @execStr2, @execStr3, @execStr4, @execStr5, @execStr6, @execStr7, @execStr8, @execStr9EXEC (@execStr0 + @execStr1 + @execStr2 + @execStr3 + @execStr4 + @execStr5 + @execStr6 + @execStr7 + @execStr8 + @execStr9) Kristen |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 05:34:34
>> Added mechanics for tables with lots of columns - it should be able to handle around 600 columnsAre You sure your database is normalized ??? Kristen, have You looked at sp_execresultset (can be used for stuff like this, and you are running out of 8k dynamic space)rockmoose |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 07:00:20
a varchar(8000), in the above scenario, will allow about 80 columns to be processed. That is actually about the size of our largest table, but I suspected that users wanting to post 10 rows of INSERT statements when asking for help in these Forums might .... errrmmmm ... "have more" I've forgotten about sp_execresultset, but I don't think it will help here as we need one massive SQL statement, rather than processing of several individual ones.Kristen |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 09:17:28
Wow! I doesn't even really look the same anymore... Thanks for the additions... and sorry I was too lazy to do it right the first time CoreyCo-worker on The Wizard of Oz "...those three midgets that came out and danced, the freaked me out when I was little. But they are ok now." |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 14:10:12
"It doesn't even really look the same anymore... "That's mostly my dyslexia - I find it easier to reformat to what my brain more easily digests!"sorry I was too lazy to do it right the first time"Don't be daft ... I didn't see a long queue of people wanting to make the First Draft!Kristen |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 14:31:26
any other obscure scripts you would like to see?? I get bored... or distracted i should say...CoreyCo-worker on The Wizard of Oz "...those three midgets that came out and danced, the freaked me out when I was little. But they are ok now." |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 15:18:05
You are too young to remember "The Last One" - it was an application, written in MBasic, that generated code for an application. It was intended to be the last application you would ever need ...I went to the press launch, and it was pretty clever ... but some bright spark in the audience said "is calling it The Last One a bit risky - I mean what happens if you come up with an improved solution?" And sure enough a year later "The Last One Plus" came out ... written in itself I expectSo a script that solves all problems would be handy. Please. Kristen |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-09 : 15:29:02
Thats a bit too obscure of a request... but I'll give it a trySelect Answer = 42 CoreyCo-worker on The Wizard of Oz "...those three midgets that came out and danced, the freaked me out when I was little. But they are ok now." |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2006-11-03 : 08:06:33
Corey, I think the select statement should have Order by ordinal_position. Isnt it?MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |