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 Not able to generate id like e001 with identity

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Starting Member

45 Posts

Posted - 2007-04-06 : 02:57:06
Hello Members,

Is it fine to create the unique sequence number id using the int or uniqueidentifier field ?

I want to further generate the id sequence id like with that consisting of the table initials with id to differ from other id.

Like,i m having a table name of employee then it should have the
where it is primary key and also in other table where it is foreign key.

which gets differ from the other.

If i select the field which is alphanumeric like char or varchar then there's no autoincrement in id.

Is there any way for this solution.If anyone know then pls kindly reply me.

I think it can be solve with substring function but i don't have the exact idea how to use it...

I m using with C# 2005 and sql server 2005.
So,if possible then pls kindly give some solution which is related to C#.

Have already created the autogenerated id and stored in database.
I m using stored procedure for insert of the data.

Thanxs in advance for a reply..

Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2007-04-06 : 06:44:45
What happens after z999?

Peter Larsson
Helsingborg, Sweden
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Starting Member

45 Posts

Posted - 2007-04-06 : 12:58:02
Actually i m creating a small application where there are no much records which can go beyond the limit of 999.
But,then to for the easiness i want to create the id as described above but don't have much idea.
If anyone can guide id beyond 999 or upto 999 then pls reply...thanxs
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Premature Yak Congratulator

22864 Posts

Posted - 2007-04-07 : 03:11:17
See if this helps


Failing to plan is Planning to fail
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Starting Member

45 Posts

Posted - 2007-04-08 : 10:40:31
thanxs for the's the same question and answered as i want...
but before using it i want to ask some questions and clear my doubts...

1) So,i have to take the id field as varchar instead of int.No need to create the identity ??
2)For each select,insert,update and delete i have to use the substring function.

Can u pls explain me in simple way,if possible with my example, if i have a employee table with

employee id int(4) IDENTITY=Yes + 1
employee name

then i have to create the other temp table or what ??
declare @s varchar(10)
set @s='PRS001'
select left(@s,3)+right('00'+cast(max(substring(@s,4,len(@s))+1) as varchar),3)

create table testtbl
vno char(9)
declare @vno varchar(4)
declare @no int


Thanxs for ur answers and waiting for ur another replies....
Pls help me out...
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Premature Yak Congratulator

22864 Posts

Posted - 2007-04-10 : 05:14:30
Make that column as varchar and increment it whenever data are added


Failing to plan is Planning to fail
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