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 Recovering .NET Assembly from SQL Server

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Duke Leto
Starting Member

4 Posts

Posted - 2007-11-19 : 17:40:52
I'm sure this has happened before and been documented, but I don't understand the technology thoroughly enough to know the right keywords to Google.

Here's my problem. I've been given custody of a SQL Server Database with a CLR assembly from the software vendor my client previously worked with. I don't have the source.

A dll, or something, appears to be stored in binary in the assembly object along with each of the cs files and a pdb file, also displayed as long binary strings when the assembly is scripted.

The cs files are nowhere to be found on any of the servers. My question: I think the developer who did this did so on their work computer, autodeployed the project into SQL Server, then used that as his file storage area. Can I extract the files back out into a development environment so I can work on them? And possibly put them under source control?

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