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 Table by User Id

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

469 Posts

Posted - 2007-11-29 : 10:43:29
I have an application (vb 2005) that reads 8 different tables in 8 different data base and builds a table for the selected records (using sp's). This table is used as basis for building a data grid and cosequently export to crystal report.

My question: How can I create a table for each user, so multiple users can run the same program at the same time. I tried using #temptable but that did not work. Can I in a sp create a table with a name that contains the user id passed to the sp as a parm?

Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2007-11-29 : 12:49:33
Why didn't a temporary table work?

Yes you can create tables with the userid in them, however it'll require dynamic SQL which is not recommended for performance and security reasons.

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server
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