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 Monthly Subtotals from date range

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2007-12-05 : 02:11:30

My problem is this: a manager has to select 2 dates and from those 2 dates he should see all the times a certain movie has been rented FOR EACH MONTH. For example if he picks 11/1/2007 to 2/1/2008 he sees a total for nov, dec, jan etc. I have a uniqueid for movies called the 'upc' and i have the time and date it was rented 'rental time'

I have a stored procedure with parameters @periodStart and @periodEnd. I am just fine getting the total for the period. but I have no idea how to get the totals for each month. The hint i was given was "grouping data ranges." I have no idea how to tackle this

Maybe a case?

Thanks for your help guys. Let me know if any more info would help.

Starting Member

35 Posts

Posted - 2007-12-14 : 16:31:38

select rental_date_column_but_converted_to_year_month, count(*)
from table_x
where rental_date between input_date1 and input_date2
group by rental_date_column_but_converted_to_year_month
order by ...

in your example result would something like

2007-11 120
2007-12 150
2008-01 112

good luck and you may want to readup a bit more on T-SQL and understand a bit on SET theory.

see also
by jezemine

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