By Bill Graziano on 13 November 2003 | Tags: Presentations , Profiler & Trace
As promised in my talk here's a link to my presentation on Advanced Profiler. You'll need PowerPoint to view it.
Testing with Profiler Custom Events and Database Snapshots (22 June 2009)
Introduction to SQL Server 2008 Extended Events (19 May 2009)
Integrating Profiler and PerfMon Log Files (6 February 2008)
What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server (Presentation) (11 October 2007)
Speaking in Jacksonville and Orlando on October 8th & 9th, 2007 (4 October 2007)
SQL Server Express 2005 Tips and Tricks Presentation (6 March 2007)
SQL Server 2005 Express Tips and Tricks Web Cast (26 February 2007)
PASS 2006 Presentation: What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server 2005 (15 December 2006)
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ROWID in MS SQL (15d)
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