SQL Server 2005 Webcasts

By Bill Graziano on 25 October 2004 | Tags: SQL Server 2005 , Webcasts

Microsoft is providing a series of 15 WebCasts on SQL Server 2005. They'll do 15 WebCasts the week of December 6th, 2004 to all introduce the new features for developers. Starting in January 2005 they'll do one webcast per week on specific developer topics.

Everyone who attends a WebCast will receive a copy of the Beta 2 Resource Kit and the Beta 3 Resource Kit when it ships. Also, the first 1500 people that watch 5 or more WebCasts will also receive a special, limited edition SQL Server 2005 WebCast T-shirt. Additionally, all WebCast viewers will be entered into a competition to win an XBOX, one for each day of the week (Contest rules).

Link: SQL Server 2005 Webcasts

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